Friday, November 16, 2007

Why Choose a Distance Learning University?

How would you like to be able to attend class from the privacy of your home? Or maybe communicate your issues to your professor via email when you can't afford a babysitter? If either of this ideas seem enticing to you, then you might want to consider the prospect of attending a distance learning university.

Distance learning universities have become more popular over the years for people who are busy raising their families and don't have time to sit in a classroom for hours. This is because they take into consideration that people have very stringent work and family schedules that may not permit them to leave home. But that's not the only reason they're popular. For people like me who learn better on their own - outside of a lecture hall - they provide that freedom as well.

I have been attending a distance learning university for 10 months and have enjoyed every minute of it. Let me explain why. My university does not have a set class time; as a matter of fact, there is not a class at all. My class time primarily consists of back-and-forth emails to my professor when I need help clarifying assignments on my syllabus, which was given to me at the beginning of the semester. If I understand and don't need his help, he leaves me to do my work and simply expects each assignment (or set of assignments) by the end of each month. My semester consists of 5 months of class time with one month off - a nice clean schedule. But the major perk for me is that I never feel the pressure of the class work because I can do it on my own time, anytime within that month - not bad!

While part of my reasoning for preferring this style of learning pertained to the freedom, the main reason I wanted to attend had to do with my preferred curriculum; it just so happened that this school offered just what I was looking for. And that might be the case with many prospective or current students. While the convenience of distance learning may be a contributing factor, many are finding that these universities offer quality curriculum in the very area they've wanted to study.

Another huge benefit of attending a distance learning university is the released burden of having to fill the tank. With gas prices at record highs, traveling to the corner store is a burden, let alone to a university that may be 10 miles away. The thought of having to fill the tank to attend several classes per week can be enough to decide not to attend.

I'm guessing as you read this article, you are thinking "Why haven't I looked into this type of learning before?" Many don't know of this option, or are just reluctant to try something new. And then there are those individuals who understand that time management aren't one of their strongest character traits. If this is the case for you, you might want to consider the traditional classroom. Most distance learning programs give you a lot of flexibility that you must manage on your own, so if you're not ready to handle it, you might not have the success you're wishing for.

Another possible drawback to distance learning that is less character-driven is the lack of personal attention it offers. By default, your professor is not physically available (unless he makes himself available via webcam), and face-to-face contact for some is vitally critical to expressing an issue appropriately, which means it might be best for that person to attend a local university where they are able to meet face-to-face with their professors and receive prompt and undivided attention.

Overall, the benefits of attending a distance learning university are great, especially when you don't have to feel burdened with the idea of relocating your family to a new city simply to attend a university that is offering the curriculum that you intend to study. However, like all other universities, you must research several universities, their curriculum, and of course, their accreditation. If everything checks out for you with a distance learning university and you determine you are suited for this style of learning then the only step left is to enroll!

Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at offers information articles on a wide variety of subjects including Distant learning education at

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