Friday, November 16, 2007

Credibility of Distance Learning in the Martial Arts

Something in the martial arts that is argued back and forth all the time is the effectiveness of distance learning versus traditional training in a dojo and can one learn the martial arts to any degree of proficiency through distance learning. In an age where communicating and learning via the Internet are staples of every day life and the ability to learn anything efficiently is open to everyone because of this, my answer is a resounding "YES!".

Consider of the recent arguments I have encountered is that to earn a Dan ranking takes years and years of blood, sweat and tears and that only after you have spilled blood on the dojo floor can you be considered credible to wear the Dan you are awarded by XYZ Organization, School, Federation, etc. and only through this method can you become a better practitioner. While I agree with the idea in general, the argument against distance learning is that there is no way you can advance rank as a Black Belt, or as a Colored Belt for that matter, unless you train in a school under age old traditional methods. There is no way you can possibly learn any system of self-defense through "home study" methods.

OK..well...let's say that a person has put 15-20 years into his/her training and they now wear the rank of 4th or 5th Dan. This person has trained and completed all of the requirements to advance his/her rank. I guess some could say that because of the rank and the years put into the training that he/she is deserving of praise and respect, being of great honor and integrity because of the advancements and the time spent training in the arts. This person obviously has learned what it means to be a better practitioner and is now credible in the eyes of his/her peers. Seems like a solid point.

Now, on the flip side of that coin, let's say that this same person on the outside looks and acts like the rank they wear and talks the talk of a true Black Belt but underneath has a drinking problem or a drug problem or, worse yet, both. They treat people with disrespect behind their backs and are full of ego. Every time something goes wrong in his/her life all they want to do is go out, get high and pick a fight. Just so you know, I am not speaking hypothetically. I trained under just such a person. Does this mean he/she deserves to wear the rank of an advanced Dan just because they have put their time in at a traditional school and passed the curriculum? Does this make him/her better than me or anyone else who wants to open up their learning to a credible, comprehensive distance learning program taught by advanced, committed, honorable individuals? I think not as we all know that the martial arts are about so much more than just the belt one wears.

The traditional thinking is if you choose to train like this that it is lacking in so many respects, ie: training quality, lack of training partners, too easy to slack off and not train, no one is there to insure you are actually performing the material, and on and on, that there is no way this can work and once you receive your rank, it is just a "piece of paper" from a "diploma mill" or in the case of a Dan ranking, a paper "Black Belt Mill". Well, let me pose this question to you, what takes more effort, dedication, perseverance, integrity and personal commitment, walking into a local school and having someone tell you what to do or to take a course and break it down yourself, put together a training schedule based around your school or work schedule, provide yourself with a place to train and then effectively complete the training per belt rank? I realize this question is rhetorical but the point I am trying to make is that BOTH methods of study, in class and home study, are just as effective in learning any type of material and that as martial artists, to be so closed minded about knowledge via sources "outside the box", especially in this day and age of advanced technology, is a true detriment to the advancement of the arts as a whole.

The traditionalists fail to recognize the doors this can and will, most assuredly, open up to students around the world just as it has with all areas of education. Right can earn the highest level of certified, recognized, accredited university degrees online from the most reputable Colleges and Universities - WORLD WIDE! This is an absolute, indisputable fact that even the most dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist cannot refute. In my mind, it isn't so much how you learn what you learn but how you apply that knowledge after you have learned it. I have always said that certifications and degrees are just pieces of paper but what ultimately makes them so valuable is the application of that knowledge and how it is presented to others down the line. We should always be moving forward with our knowledge, always be willing to embrace new ideas and concepts. If we stop learning, we stop growing.

As the sport is constantly evolving, so too must its practitioners evolve. No longer can we just accept the traditional training orthodoxy as the rule. Just the simple fact that hand-to-hand combatives have become so much more advanced in just the last 10 years would dictate that we as practitioners of the arts should be more open-minded and willing to advance our learning from as many sources outside of our own backyards as possible. Distance learning offers just such a solution by eliminating the geographical boundaries that currently exist in limiting students to train and learn in just one setting, in one style, and from one instructor. With the Internet, video conferencing, online tutorials, forums, blogs, etc. literally at our fingertips, the possibilities are endless. No longer will students have to be relegated to choices for learning that only include the local dojo. Imagine being able to train with and share information and ideas about advancing the arts with students from all around the world in real time!

Of course, to that extent, the traditionalist would argue that there would be a problem with time differences as well as differences in training disciplines and that there is no way this would work. Always an excuse. I have heard this argument for years but that is because they fail to see the potential that exists in people to come up with long term solutions to these problems, solutions that are offered by just such a group of dedicated individuals in the AKPKF...American Kick-Punch Karate Federation, headed by Sensei Danny Hill. This is an organization that leads by example and is all about keeping the integrity of the arts intact while attaching 21st Century thinking to an age old problem of bringing the training and discipline to students around the world who otherwise would not have access to the information and they do it for FREE!

Now, I understand that traditionalists want to keep the training in the dojo's...OK...but what about the aspiring student who wants to become involved in the martial arts but has nowhere to train, or who lives in a remote area where it is 50-100 miles to the nearest dojo? What about the people around the globe who live in villages where there is no training for thousands of miles around? How then does the traditionalist solve that geographical problem? They solve it by continuing to argue for classroom training as the only beneficial means of learning self-defense. In my opinion, what that argument really boils down to is money.

Think about it. They insist that receiving your certification via distance learning is not credible yet they take "Little Johnny's" tuition every month, usually an exorbitant amount, and pass the student through the system whether he/she has learned the material or not. Again, I am not speaking hypothetically here. I have seen this first hand even at the Black Belt level. This problem exists on a wide scale and is becoming worse every day. The traditionalists say that distance learning has become a blight on our beloved art form and that it is denigrating everything that is sacred about our beloved sport, even to the point of "bastardizing" what the arts stand for, while all along doing the same thing by charging outrageous monthly fees and providing training that is mediocre at best. To me, this action is deplorable and not even remotely deserving of respect and honor, yet this practice continues to grow day by day with new "McDojo's" springing up on just about every street corner. The traditionalist view has become about "selling the product" and not about "teaching the art". Anything that does not "jibe" with their way of thinking is garbage and only their style and only the way it is taught by them, is the "be all to end all" and the only path towards martial arts excellence. In my opinion, there is nothing credible about this practice or this way of thinking and it is only hurting the arts, not enhancing them.

In closing, let me state that I have had great personal success training in both mediums. Each method has its place in education and each, in my opinion, is equally effective. I believe that both methods can co-exist peacefully. I personally have continued to expand my knowledge of self-defense through many different methods of learning such as books, tapes, cd's, dvd's, online tutorials, and traditional training on the mats with practitioners who are also open-minded enough to see the positive impact that distance learning can have on all of us if we would just embrace the need for this type of studying. I have my own dojo and am about to begin my training in Renzoku Jiu-Jitsu, a program that is taught by Soke John Cozatt who happens to live on the East Coast (I live on the West Coast) and yes, it is a distance learning program, one that I can advance to 5th Dan in and since that is the highest level of achievement in that system, that is my goal. In lieu of this program, in order for me to train in a "credible" traditional jiu-jitsu class setting, I would have to drive 100 miles round trip 3 nights a week at great expense to accomplish what I can do in my own dojo via distance learning. Whether or not I make it to 5th Dan will strictly be up to me but that really isn't the issue. The point is that the opportunity exists for all of us to utilize modern day technology to continue to move forward with our training and help advance this sport through the 21st Century. We have to continue to be open to new training methods and learning techniques so that the martial arts can continue to grow and survive. I for one will do all I can to be at the forefront of that movement.

Tim Gannon is a Certified Black Belt in 2 systems and has trained in the following styles: AKPKF American Karate (4th Dan Black Belt), Shaolin-Kempo-Karate (1st Dan Black Belt), Koden Kan, JiuJitsu, Judo, Aikido, Muay Thai and Western Boxing, Russian System and various Hand-To-Hand Combat training techniques such as ABC Combatives and Target Focus Training.

An 8 year practitioner, I run my own dojo, Sierra Martial Arts & Fitness. I am a Certified Fitness/Kickboxing Trainer, Certified Functional Strength Trainer, Certified Senior Fitness Trainer and Certified Sports Nutritionist.

Stop by my martial arts blog for discussion of all things Martial Arts.

A Brief History of E-learning and Distance Education

E-learning is a very broad term. It is used to describe any type of learning environment that is computer enhanced. There are multiple technologies that can be employed in E-learning. It has become one of those types of words that are so general as to have lost some of its meaning. Distance learning is something that has evolved from Elearning. It is used to describe a learning environment that takes place away from the actual traditional classroom and campus.

E-learning began at just about the same time that a computer was developed that was practical for personal use. In fact, the concept and practice of distance learning predates the computer area by almost 100 years. In England, in 1840, shorthand classes were being offered by correspondence courses through the mail. The improvements to the postal service made this method of distance learning popular in the early part of the last century. This led to a large number of “through the mail” type of educational programs. The computer only made distance learning easy and better. Television, video recorders, and even radio have all made a contribution to distance learning.

E-learning and distance learning are not quite the same thing. The basic thing that distinguishes distance education is the physical separation of the student from the instructor and the class room. E-learning, however, became part of the classroom environment from the beginning. The early use of computers was geared to help the classroom instructor. Gradually, as more and more personal computers became available, the idea of online classes was explored by some pioneering Colleges and Universities. The early attempts at distance education were hampered by resistance from traditionalist within the education field.

Some invoked what they called the philosophy of education to demonstrate that the teacher was essential to the educational process. This resistance led to the early online degrees being considered inferior to traditionally obtained degrees. This prejudice extended to the personal departments of major employers. When choosing between two otherwise equally qualified applicants, preference was shown to the person holding the traditional degree. In recent years this has changed drastically. The improvements in E-learning technology and the ability to create virtual classrooms and a virtual learning environment (VLE) has gradually broken down the resistance. This process has been helped by the emergence of a new generation that was weaned on the computer. It would not be surprising if within another generation, the pendulum shifts completely and the online degree is the one that is respected and coveted.

Natalie Aranda writes about learning and technology. E-learning is a very broad term. It is used to describe any type of learning environment that is computer enhanced. There are multiple technologies that can be employed in Elearning. It has become one of those types of words that are so general as to have lost some of its meaning. Distance learning in virtual classrooms is something that has evolved from Elearning. It is used to describe a learning environment that takes place away from the actual traditional classroom and campus.

Long Distance Learning - Obtaining Higher Education On Your Own Schedule

If you're over thirty and work regular, or not so regular, hours, the thought of going back to school may seem like an abandoned dream. Who's got the time? Between work and family or home responsibilities, finding the time to be able to go back to a college campus and spend hours sitting in a classroom is no longer an option. You may want to rev those dreams back, because these days, long distance learning makes all of your goals a possible reality.

Millions of men and women around the world have let loose of their dreams for higher education because of these considerations, and more. The cost of tuition, books and campus fees, in addition to the fact that some campuses are plain beyond the reach of many without transportation add to the dismal prospects of continuing that quest for knowledge. Today, more students than ever before are attending long distance learning colleges and universities. No matter what they're called, Online Schools, Distance Education Learning, Long Distance Learning or Correspondence Schools, they are offering degrees in more areas of study than ever before. Whether you want to earn an Associate or Bachelor's Degree, an online or distance program will more than likely offer you what you need in regard to coursework and testing options. Want to pursue your Master's? Those are available as well.

Do distance learning colleges offer the same course of studies that traditional colleges do? Yes! Is long distance learning a viable way to obtain a degree? Again, yes. Most online colleges and universities are accredited, but always make sure before you start coursework with any particular college, whether online or off.

Also, find out ahead of time about testing requirements and how exams are handled. Some people must drive to a specified testing location, depending on course of study and location of your nearest brick and mortar university. Long distance learning schools offer most students the opportunity o complete exams in a proctored situation, which can be accomplished at a library, a neighboring school or college, or within any office or location approved by your school of choice.

Because of the overwhelming and growing popularity of online colleges, most major universities in the United States are now also offering online coursework within certain disciplines at campuses across the country. Whether you want to go into nursing, education, business or other disciplines, there is a long distance learning program that will suit your needs, and your budget, perfectly.

Most online or distance learning degree programs offer student financing or payment options that will enable you to budget your school costs, rather than having to pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars up front for complete course study units per semester. Many online colleges also offer scholarships and financing options as well.

There's no longer any reason to put off higher education. Now your time is your own, and you can decide where and when you study. Sure, it's going to be difficult to balance school with other responsibilities, but at least now you don't have to commit to someone else's schedule.

Do you have what it takes to earn your degree with a long distance learning program? Find out more at

How to Manage Your Time Effectively For Distance Learning

Many working adults go back for study by taking distance learning program while continue their working life. Sometime, balancing between work and study can be very stressful especially if they also have families to be taken care of. That's why many distance learners with working life failed to complete their distance learning program mainly because of unable to manage their time effectively to focus on both work and online study.

Although distance learning gives you the flexibility of planning your learning schedule at your own pace, you need to treat it seriously to manage it and allocate time to complete it. Here are some tips on how to manage your time effectively so that you have sufficient time for your online study:

1. Allocate At Least Two Hours Each Day for Online Study

Plan your study activities into your daily routine work. This is to keep you focus on what you need to learn. Many distance learners tend to forget about their online study when they are too busy with their work. Hence, you need to integrate your online study into your daily routine so that you won't forget about it. Try to schedule at least two hours daily just to focus on your study. Even though you do not need to attend classes in a distance learning program, you will still have to complete assignments and study at your own pace.

2. Effectively Use Your Free Time

One of the biggest advantages of distance learning is that you can login to online learning system of the school from any location as long as you have internet connection. Most of companies and cafes do offer broadband connection nowadays; you can utilize your leisure time such that lunch time and time waiting for customer after your working hour to login to the online learning system for study, download your assignments, search for information from internet or online library of the school & etc.

3. Print out Your Reading Materials

Unless you are making separate notes after reading the lectures from the computer, it's better to print out the reading materials so that you can make remarks by highlighting on the important points while readings. Don't expect to remember everything just by reading from the computer without making any note and you will waste a lot of time if you have to go back and reread the information again. In additional, you could bring along the print out materials and read it whenever you have time.

4. Put a Deadline on Every Assignment

Most of distance learning programs allow you to complete your assignments at your own pace, but it is important for you to stay on task and be productive. You should put a deadline on every assignment or course work and make sure you complete your task on time.

5. Reduce Other Optional Activities for More Times

You have only 24 hours a day. After deducting your sleeping time, working time and daily tasks, you may found hardship to allocate enough time for your study. Try to write down your weekly activities on a piece of paper, you may be surprised that you actually can get more time by just reducing some of optional activities such as movies, parties and other entertainment.

In Summary

Balancing between work and online study can be difficult and it is not easy to allocate enough time for your study, but with a little practice, you can become a great online student who can complete your distance learning program on time.

Julie Harvard is the author of, an online degree directory that lets you browse the online degrees offer by accredited online universities

Why Choose a Distance Learning University?

How would you like to be able to attend class from the privacy of your home? Or maybe communicate your issues to your professor via email when you can't afford a babysitter? If either of this ideas seem enticing to you, then you might want to consider the prospect of attending a distance learning university.

Distance learning universities have become more popular over the years for people who are busy raising their families and don't have time to sit in a classroom for hours. This is because they take into consideration that people have very stringent work and family schedules that may not permit them to leave home. But that's not the only reason they're popular. For people like me who learn better on their own - outside of a lecture hall - they provide that freedom as well.

I have been attending a distance learning university for 10 months and have enjoyed every minute of it. Let me explain why. My university does not have a set class time; as a matter of fact, there is not a class at all. My class time primarily consists of back-and-forth emails to my professor when I need help clarifying assignments on my syllabus, which was given to me at the beginning of the semester. If I understand and don't need his help, he leaves me to do my work and simply expects each assignment (or set of assignments) by the end of each month. My semester consists of 5 months of class time with one month off - a nice clean schedule. But the major perk for me is that I never feel the pressure of the class work because I can do it on my own time, anytime within that month - not bad!

While part of my reasoning for preferring this style of learning pertained to the freedom, the main reason I wanted to attend had to do with my preferred curriculum; it just so happened that this school offered just what I was looking for. And that might be the case with many prospective or current students. While the convenience of distance learning may be a contributing factor, many are finding that these universities offer quality curriculum in the very area they've wanted to study.

Another huge benefit of attending a distance learning university is the released burden of having to fill the tank. With gas prices at record highs, traveling to the corner store is a burden, let alone to a university that may be 10 miles away. The thought of having to fill the tank to attend several classes per week can be enough to decide not to attend.

I'm guessing as you read this article, you are thinking "Why haven't I looked into this type of learning before?" Many don't know of this option, or are just reluctant to try something new. And then there are those individuals who understand that time management aren't one of their strongest character traits. If this is the case for you, you might want to consider the traditional classroom. Most distance learning programs give you a lot of flexibility that you must manage on your own, so if you're not ready to handle it, you might not have the success you're wishing for.

Another possible drawback to distance learning that is less character-driven is the lack of personal attention it offers. By default, your professor is not physically available (unless he makes himself available via webcam), and face-to-face contact for some is vitally critical to expressing an issue appropriately, which means it might be best for that person to attend a local university where they are able to meet face-to-face with their professors and receive prompt and undivided attention.

Overall, the benefits of attending a distance learning university are great, especially when you don't have to feel burdened with the idea of relocating your family to a new city simply to attend a university that is offering the curriculum that you intend to study. However, like all other universities, you must research several universities, their curriculum, and of course, their accreditation. If everything checks out for you with a distance learning university and you determine you are suited for this style of learning then the only step left is to enroll!

Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at offers information articles on a wide variety of subjects including Distant learning education at

Distance Learning in India - Its Role in Democratization of Education

The distance education or 'technology-mediated learning' in India, although regarded as alternative mode of education, has a very significant role to play. Distance learning institutes are a platform for continuing education for all those who had to take up jobs early. By making learning materials available at your home and reducing the cost of education, distance-learning courses in India are actually playing the very important role of democratizing education in the country. The application of high-end technologies and growing popularity of online education can in fact free distance education from all the ills that it suffers at the moment.

Distance Education Institutes in India: There are at present quite a good number of distance education institutes in India that offer various academic and professional courses. There is, at present, one National Open University- Indira Gandhi National Open University, IGNOU and thirteen state open universities. However, most states also have dual mode Universities that allow them to offer correspondence courses in India. The number of dual mode Universities recognized by the Distance Education Council (DEC), a statutory authority for promotion and coordination of the Open University and distance education system and for the determination of its standard, in different states are mentioned below-

Andhra Pradesh- 14, Arunachal Pradesh- 1, Assam- 2, Bihar- 4, Chattishgarh 1,Delhi- 3, Gujarat-1, Haryana-4, Himachal Pradesh- 1, Jammu & Kashmir- 2, Karnataka- 10, Kerala- 4, Madhya Pradesh- 8, Maharashtra- 13, Meghalaya- 1, Orissa- 5, Puducherry- 1, Punjab- 5, Rajasthan- 3, Sikkim- 1, Tamil Nadu- 18, Tripura- 1, Uttar Pradesh- 8, Uttarakhand- 2, West Bengal- 6.

Apart from these institutes, the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning, Pune and IMT Distance and Open Learning Institute, Ghaziabad are also approved by the Distance Education Council of India.

In order to make distance-learning courses affordable and available for children a National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was also formed. Gradually, State Open Schools and State Centers for Open Learning were also established. In 1997, the National Consortium for Open Schooling, NCOS was established to co-ordinate and systematize the interaction between different open schooling agencies.

Democratization of Education: Distance learning courses in India serve different purpose to different people. While the urban youth is attracted to the correspondence courses as they allow them to continue their jobs while pursuing education, millions of rural youth find it attractive, as they cannot afford to relocate themselves. Another factor that has made the distance learning courses popular is that the course fee of these courses are also much lesser than the regular courses. Thus, one can take up an MBA or Journalism and Miscommunication or any other professional course at quite a low cost. Thus, the distance learning courses have come as a boon for not only the urban youth of the country but also for large number of bright young people of the rural areas. For example of the 1.5 million enrolled students of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, a large number of them belong to the disadvantaged sections of the society. The National Institute of Open Schooling, by providing various academic and vocational courses have contributed a lot in integrating the physically handicapped and all those children who can not afford to attend regular classes. Thus, the distance learning institutes in India, by making various need based programme available at doorsteps at affordable price, playing a very important role in the process of democratization of the education system in India.

Education for all has become all the important in India to cater to the human resource needs of various industries of the Indian economy as well as to strengthen its democratic roots. Sustaining eight percent economic growth would not be possible for long without educating the poor and disadvantaged sections of the society. And it is distance learning in India that can make quality education available at affordable price. Therefore, distance-learning institutes, by making use of high-end technologies can make equitable development possible and strengthen the democratic roots of the country. As for millions of Indians, distance learning is not an alternative mode of education, but the only mode of education.

vivek Gupta

Distance Learning - A New Way to Get Your Degree

Do you long to go back to school, but live miles away from the nearest university? Are you a busy working professional with time constraints? Then using Distance Learning to earn your degree may be the answer!

Distance education used to mean getting courses via snail mail or on videotape. Well, today you are in the right place at the right time. Distance education is now online learning, and is a reality for anyone interested in continuing their education or stepping up their career. You can even earn a degree online.

What distance education now means is that you can access educational programs and not have to physically be in a classroom on a campus. Through such technologies as cable or satellite television, videotapes and audiotapes, fax, computer modem, computer conferencing, videoconferencing--all through the internet online--and other means of electronic delivery, the classroom comes to you-sometimes even if you're sitting in your room in your bunny slippers and it's 2 in the morning.

Distance learning expands the reach of the classroom by using various technologies to deliver university resources to off-campus sites, transmit college courses into the workplace, and enable you to view class lectures in the comfort of your home. Online learning is now a viable alternative to a traditional degree.

Where and How Can I Take Distance Learning Courses?

The technology for new, cheaper telecommunications technology is getting better all the time, and there is a growing demand for education by people who cannot afford either the time or money to be a full-time, on-campus student. To fill that demand, educational networks also are growing and changing how and when you can access college courses. Most states have established new distance learning and online learning systems to advance the delivery of instruction to schools, postsecondary institutions, and state government agencies.

Colleges and universities are collaborating with commercial telecommunication entities, including online information services, such as America Online and cable and telephone companies, to provide education to far-flung student constituencies. Professions such as law, medicine, and accounting, as well as knowledge-based industries, are utilizing telecommunications networks for the transmission of customized higher education programs to working professionals, technicians, and managers.

Ways in Which Distance Learning May Be Offered:

o Credit courses. In general, if these credit courses are completed successfully, they can be applied toward a degree.

o Noncredit courses and courses offered for professional certification. These programs can help you acquire specialized knowledge in a concentrated, time-efficient manner and stay on top of the latest developments in your field. They provide a flexible way for you to prepare for a new career or study for professional licensure and certification. Many of these university programs are created in cooperation with professional and trade associations so that courses are based on real-life workforce needs, and the practical skills learned are immediately applicable in the field.

The Way Distance Learning Works

Enrolling in a distance learning course may simply involve filling out a registration form, making sure that you have access to the equipment needed, and paying the tuition and fees by check, money order, or credit card. In these cases, your applications may be accepted without entrance examinations or proof of prior educational experience.

Other courses may involve educational prerequisites and access to equipment not found in all geographic locations. Some institutions offer detailed information about individual courses, such as a course outline, upon request. If you have access to the Internet and simply wish to review course descriptions, you may be able to peruse an institution's course catalogs electronically by accessing the institution's home page on the Web.

Time Requirements

Some courses allow you to enroll at your convenience and work at your own pace. Others closely adhere to a traditional classroom schedule. Specific policies and time limitations pertaining to withdrawals, refunds, transfers, and renewal periods can be found in the institutional catalog.

Distance Learning Firefigher Degrees - Online Fire Science Education

Distance learning or online college classes for a degree in fire science is making it easier for firefighters to obtain entry-level and advanced degrees in fire science. As the fire service progresses and becomes more science based, many departments are requiring additional education and degrees for promotion of firefighters.

An online fire science degree is ideally suited for the professional firefighter who wishes to be promoted into officer positions. Because of a firefighters typical work schedule, it is difficult for the potential student to attend a traditional or campus based college or university. Geographical location is also a road block to obtaining a formal degree in fire science. If the fire house has computer access or wireless capabilities, the firefighter can get and complete assignments online during down time at work.

Depending on the level of degree the student is seeking, classes will include fire behavior, fire suppression, incident command, fire prevention, fire inspection, fire investigation, public safety, hazardous material operations and command, personnel management and other general classes.

An online or distance learning college degree website can provide the student with specific information about schools, fire related classes and specialities that are available. Information about financial aid, requirements, tuition costs, and college support services will be available. Usually an advisor is accessible for further questions.

Promotion up the career ladder will more and more be influenced by the education level of the officer candidate. The forward thinking firefighter can take advantage of this by obtaining an advanced degree in fire science through a distance learning program.

Just click on the following link to get online college degree information. It's fast, it's free, and you're under no obligation. You can get information about many types of online bachelors degree programs from many colleges. They also offer information about programs and schools that offer distance learning online masters degree programs.

Distance Learning Costs

It doesn't mean that the moment you choose to home school your children, the scholastic cost you would have had with public schooling just magically goes away. In truth, this game plan has misled multitudes of parents into home course of study, without them understanding the fact that home schooling on its own is likewise a budgetary bank account. You may devote a lower amount of money than someone who sends his or her daughter to a private classroom; in any case you will absolutely give a lot of capitol towards supporting home schooling.

You most obviously will understand that you need to pay for consistent junior high school elements, which integrate textbooks, paper, pens, and the materials for science experiments. Beside from these, you would empathize with to obtain other belongings to define your home sweet home more favoring to intellectual acquirement in the home. This, perhaps, would make obligatory a higher find of payment. These extras may include a chalkboard, chalk, desks, desk lamps, and chairs. You may in addition be acquainted with to enrich the light and ventilation systems of your home to be sure that these do not detract the your child from learning.

Anyhow, one of the greater costs that home sweet home learning would give rise to is the advancement cost should a working mom select to stay at home sweet home full-time to administer her children's course of study. Depending on the amount of income lost, this resource could greatly affect your normal standard of living and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Its best that before even mentioning the idea of home schooling to your children, you would want to discuss with your spouse all of the budget issues. Sit down and take stock in what the pluses and minuses are and what your balance sheet would need to look like if you decided in favor of home schooling.

Carol knows Home Schooling Costs and the exact Cost of Home Schooling per child.

She has an ebook on Home Schooling Cost for parents.

Nursing Shortage and Distance Education Nursing Programs

Distance education nursing programs could help alleviate the nursing shortage in the US. We are currently experiencing a critical nursing shortage that is stretching healthcare to its limits. You would think we could alleviate the shortage by training more nurses, but therein lies the problem. There are plenty of qualified applicants for the available spots in nursing schools. We simply don't have enough nursing educators to teach them.

Nursing is a scientifically rigorous discipline with the added requirement of hands-on technical skills. Nursing education has a classroom component and a clinical component. Distance learning nursing programs have been available for years, but providing the clinical component of the curriculum continues to be problematic.

The minimum degree for a nursing educator is a masters in nursing (MSN). Distance learning programs that prepare existing nurses to be nurse educators could be the solution to the nursing shortage.

There is currently little incentive for BSN prepared nurse to continue their education. Graduate education in nursing is expensive and rigorous. It is very difficult for a working nurse to find the time, energy and resources for school. And he has little reason to do so; BSN prepared nurses have most of the same opportunities as MSN prepared nurses, and make about the same amount of money. Education is one of the few areas that they can't find employment in, and most nursing educators make less money than BSN prepared hospital nurses.

There are two ways that distance education nursing programs can help.

RN to MSN Programs

RN's who do not have a BSN do have limited career opportunities. It is more difficult for them to advance into management and specialty areas, and this is an incentive for them to go back to school and get a degree. RN to BSN programs make it relatively easy for working nurses to get a degree. Many are available as distance learning programs, and they are configured for working adults.

RN's who apply for those programs could be encouraged to enter RN to MSN programs instead. RN to MSN programs already exist. We could use those programs to prepare more nursing educators by making it easier to complete them and by recruiting more nurses into them. When an RN expresses interest in an RN to BSN program, perhaps he could be offered entrance into an RN to MSN program instead.

BSN to PhD Programs

There isn't a lot of incentive for MSN prepared nurses to teach. Perhaps that means that we should recruit more nurses into doctoral programs. PhD prepared nursing educators do have more opportunities and make more money than MSN prepared educators. Perhaps we should recruit BSN prepared nurses into doctoral programs instead of trying to convince them to pursue a masters degree.

Preparing more nursing educators is the only answer to the nursing shortage, and distance education nursing programs for graduate study are a viable way to do that.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a Online High School Courses website where you can find the best online learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online math courses and more.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What Is Distance Education?

Distance education is a field of education that focuses on the use of technology, and instructional systems designed to deliver education to students who are not physically on site. Rather than attending courses in person, the teachers and students communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media. Education may also be delivered through newer technology that allows them to communicate in real time.

Various education formats exist for this type of non-traditional learning. This may exist as correspondence classes conducted via regular mail or as internet based classes that may be delivered synchronously or asynchronously. Many schools are now using telecourse broadcasting where content is delivered by radio or television. Often a CD-ROM is provided where the student interacts with computer content stored on the disc.

Distance education technologies are expanding at an extremely rapid rate. Many people choose this learning style for its convenience and speed. Online students are able to work at their own pace and often finish faster than traditional students. As educational institutions extend their campuses, as the population ages, and as the advance of technology requires a greater need for worker retraining, schools will increasingly have to cater to a different type of student in order to stay ahead and serve their communities.

Although technology is an integral part of distance education, any successful program must focus on the instructional needs of the students, rather than on the technology itself. It is essential to consider their ages, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, interests and experiences, educational levels, and familiarity with distance education methods and delivery systems. Students usually adapt more quickly than their teachers to new technology. On the other hand, teachers who have begun to feel comfortable with the equipment don't mind having their students teach them new tips and tricks . The most important factor for successful distance learning is a caring, concerned teacher who is confident, experienced, at ease with the equipment, uses the media creatively, and maintains a high level of interactivity with the students.

Interest in online education is especially high in areas where the student population is widely distributed. Each region has developed its own form of distance education in accordance with local resources, target audience, and philosophy of the organizations which provide the instruction. Many institutions now offer courses for self-motivated individuals through independent study programs. Students can work on their own, with supplied course materials, print-based media and postal communication, some form of teleconferencing and/or electronic networking, and learner support from tutors and mentors via telephone or E-mail. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School at is one such institution now using such technology to train medical assistant and heath care workers.

The number of distance learning and online programs now available is enormous and is growing daily. Similarly the number of schools and institutions that offer learning online is also expanding rapidly. In a survey by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, it was found that " 2005, more than 3.2 million students were participating in on-line learning at institutions of higher education in the United States." The Sloan report was based on a poll of academic leaders, says that students generally appear to be at least as satisfied with their on-line classes as they are with traditional ones. Properly trained staff must also be hired to work with students on-line. These staff members must be able to not only understand the content area, but also be highly trained in the use of the computer and Internet. Online education is increasing.

St. Augustine Medical Assistant School
Medical Assistant Program

Distance Learning in India - Its Role in Democratization of Education

The distance education or 'technology-mediated learning' in India, although regarded as alternative mode of education, has a very significant role to play. Distance learning institutes are a platform for continuing education for all those who had to take up jobs early. By making learning materials available at your home and reducing the cost of education, distance-learning courses in India are actually playing the very important role of democratizing education in the country. The application of high-end technologies and growing popularity of online education can in fact free distance education from all the ills that it suffers at the moment.

Distance Education Institutes in India: There are at present quite a good number of distance education institutes in India that offer various academic and professional courses. There is, at present, one National Open University- Indira Gandhi National Open University, IGNOU and thirteen state open universities. However, most states also have dual mode Universities that allow them to offer correspondence courses in India. The number of dual mode Universities recognized by the Distance Education Council (DEC), a statutory authority for promotion and coordination of the Open University and distance education system and for the determination of its standard, in different states are mentioned below-

Andhra Pradesh- 14, Arunachal Pradesh- 1, Assam- 2, Bihar- 4, Chattishgarh 1,Delhi- 3, Gujarat-1, Haryana-4, Himachal Pradesh- 1, Jammu & Kashmir- 2, Karnataka- 10, Kerala- 4, Madhya Pradesh- 8, Maharashtra- 13, Meghalaya- 1, Orissa- 5, Puducherry- 1, Punjab- 5, Rajasthan- 3, Sikkim- 1, Tamil Nadu- 18, Tripura- 1, Uttar Pradesh- 8, Uttarakhand- 2, West Bengal- 6.

Apart from these institutes, the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning, Pune and IMT Distance and Open Learning Institute, Ghaziabad are also approved by the Distance Education Council of India.

In order to make distance-learning courses affordable and available for children a National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was also formed. Gradually, State Open Schools and State Centers for Open Learning were also established. In 1997, the National Consortium for Open Schooling, NCOS was established to co-ordinate and systematize the interaction between different open schooling agencies.

Democratization of Education: Distance learning courses in India serve different purpose to different people. While the urban youth is attracted to the correspondence courses as they allow them to continue their jobs while pursuing education, millions of rural youth find it attractive, as they cannot afford to relocate themselves. Another factor that has made the distance learning courses popular is that the course fee of these courses are also much lesser than the regular courses. Thus, one can take up an MBA or Journalism and Miscommunication or any other professional course at quite a low cost. Thus, the distance learning courses have come as a boon for not only the urban youth of the country but also for large number of bright young people of the rural areas. For example of the 1.5 million enrolled students of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, a large number of them belong to the disadvantaged sections of the society. The National Institute of Open Schooling, by providing various academic and vocational courses have contributed a lot in integrating the physically handicapped and all those children who can not afford to attend regular classes. Thus, the distance learning institutes in India, by making various need based programme available at doorsteps at affordable price, playing a very important role in the process of democratization of the education system in India.

Education for all has become all the important in India to cater to the human resource needs of various industries of the Indian economy as well as to strengthen its democratic roots. Sustaining eight percent economic growth would not be possible for long without educating the poor and disadvantaged sections of the society. And it is distance learning in India that can make quality education available at affordable price. Therefore, distance-learning institutes, by making use of high-end technologies can make equitable development possible and strengthen the democratic roots of the country. As for millions of Indians, distance learning is not an alternative mode of education, but the only mode of education.

vivek Gupta

Surviving the Distance Learning Experience

Are you looking to or have recently enrolled in a distance learning school and are now biting your nails at the thought of having to manage your time by yourself? That is the worry of many who dive head-first into this educational option only to realize they procrastinate so much that they won't make it to their own funeral on time. It leaves them to wonder how they will manage their time well enough to complete assignments without constant harassment from a professor. I speak from experience in saying, it can be done, but it will take a lot of organization - and a little growing up.

I have been attending a distance learning university for almost a year now, and in the later months it became a breeze - but in the beginning it was a challenge for me. While I loved the independence of learning outside of a classroom setting, I was not the best at managing my time - I had procrastination issues. "Oh, I'll get to it tomorrow," I kept telling myself, until "tomorrow" was my assignment's due date. I had to develop a plan to manage my time better - which I did - and now I would like to share some of what I learned with you so that you won't fall under the brunt of the distance learning experience.

Set up a Schedule and Stick to It

Depending on the structure of your distance learning program, your freedom in turning in assignments might be rather flexible. For my school, I am obligated to turn in a group of assignments by the end of each month; however I can turn in assignments anytime in the month if I so please. While initially I thought I would just finish all of my assignments for the semester in the first few months and get it all out of the way, I was wrong. I enjoyed the freedom that came along with the schedule and before I knew it I wanted to go to the park and visit my friends instead of do my homework. Once I recognized the problem, I set up a schedule to have a certain amount of work done each week, whether it was the assigned readings or a paper. That way, by the end of the month, I was making final edits to my work instead of just getting started.

Keep Yourself Busy When Not Studying

This was a big issue for me because I'd recently left a job that was downsizing and pretty much let me know my time was limited. I'd wanted to go back to school anyway, so I left my job and began my distance learning education unemployed. Initially, I thought it would be a good idea because I had money saved in the bank and the time would allow me to focus my energy on school. However, I quickly began to realize that I had too much time and too little school work. While it didn't seem possible for graduate-level studies, it was. So I relished in my free time and kept putting off my homework until, before I knew it, I was scrambling to finish my assignments.

To solve this problem, I began to work part time. This gave me a deadline-oriented schedule and put pressure on me to study with my remaining time, which actually worked. At the same time, it also put some extra cash in my pockets - not a bad tradeoff. If you don't want to work outside of the home, however, you can always baby sit a child or even volunteer. The main objective is to keep yourself busy with distance learning because if you don't, you might be in danger of impending procrastination.

Don't Get Sidetracked

Studying through a distance learning program unfortunately provides the opportunity to become easily sidetracked, especially when your child tugs at your shirt or a friend stops by to talk about marriage problems. It can be a lot easier to put your work to the side and say "I'll get to it tomorrow." But if you cut yourself this slack, you will soon realize your time is up. To avoid this, make arrangements with your friends and family early so that they understand your obligations. Find someone to watch your child just as you would if you had to attend a traditional university. And explain to your friend that you understand their pain, but between certain hours you have to "go to school." It's important to set those boundaries firmly so everyone, including you, understands how seriously you are taking your education.

Being successful at any university requires good organization and time management skills, but a distance learning education requires even more. The benefits of this type of education can be great however, so don't let anything get in your way. You'll find that if you can get yourself organized for distance learning, you will naturally feel inclined to get organized in other areas of your life - and that's always a plus!

Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at offers information articles on a wide variety of subjects including Dstant Learning Online at

Distance Learning Firefigher Degrees - Online Fire Science Education

Distance learning or online college classes for a degree in fire science is making it easier for firefighters to obtain entry-level and advanced degrees in fire science. As the fire service progresses and becomes more science based, many departments are requiring additional education and degrees for promotion of firefighters.

An online fire science degree is ideally suited for the professional firefighter who wishes to be promoted into officer positions. Because of a firefighters typical work schedule, it is difficult for the potential student to attend a traditional or campus based college or university. Geographical location is also a road block to obtaining a formal degree in fire science. If the fire house has computer access or wireless capabilities, the firefighter can get and complete assignments online during down time at work.

Depending on the level of degree the student is seeking, classes will include fire behavior, fire suppression, incident command, fire prevention, fire inspection, fire investigation, public safety, hazardous material operations and command, personnel management and other general classes.

An online or distance learning college degree website can provide the student with specific information about schools, fire related classes and specialities that are available. Information about financial aid, requirements, tuition costs, and college support services will be available. Usually an advisor is accessible for further questions.

Promotion up the career ladder will more and more be influenced by the education level of the officer candidate. The forward thinking firefighter can take advantage of this by obtaining an advanced degree in fire science through a distance learning program.

Just click on the following link to get online college degree information. It's fast, it's free, and you're under no obligation. You can get information about many types of online bachelors degree programs from many colleges. They also offer information about programs and schools that offer distance learning online masters degree programs.

Distance Learning Costs

It doesn't mean that the moment you choose to home school your children, the scholastic cost you would have had with public schooling just magically goes away. In truth, this game plan has misled multitudes of parents into home course of study, without them understanding the fact that home schooling on its own is likewise a budgetary bank account. You may devote a lower amount of money than someone who sends his or her daughter to a private classroom; in any case you will absolutely give a lot of capitol towards supporting home schooling.

You most obviously will understand that you need to pay for consistent junior high school elements, which integrate textbooks, paper, pens, and the materials for science experiments. Beside from these, you would empathize with to obtain other belongings to define your home sweet home more favoring to intellectual acquirement in the home. This, perhaps, would make obligatory a higher find of payment. These extras may include a chalkboard, chalk, desks, desk lamps, and chairs. You may in addition be acquainted with to enrich the light and ventilation systems of your home to be sure that these do not detract the your child from learning.

Anyhow, one of the greater costs that home sweet home learning would give rise to is the advancement cost should a working mom select to stay at home sweet home full-time to administer her children's course of study. Depending on the amount of income lost, this resource could greatly affect your normal standard of living and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Its best that before even mentioning the idea of home schooling to your children, you would want to discuss with your spouse all of the budget issues. Sit down and take stock in what the pluses and minuses are and what your balance sheet would need to look like if you decided in favor of home schooling.

Carol knows Home Schooling Costs and the exact Cost of Home Schooling per child.

She has an ebook on Home Schooling Cost for parents.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Benefits in Using Online Computer Training and Distance Learning!

With the upsurge of the internet and the need for continuing education and training a niche arose in the market for institutions to deliver content and training over the internet. These organizations created online portals of information and courses covering topics such as IT, Personal Development, Human Resources and Business Skills.

These educational portals are central resources for the delivery of Online Computer Training and Business Skills training to the internet community, offering everything from reporting to assessments.

So why use Online Training:

* Online Training is convenient and flexible, you can take courses anytime, work, home etc. Online Training provides people with an outlet to enjoy a better work life balance, while still learning.

* Distance Learning provides people who are traveling a lot with information on demand, if they need to learn something new they can just login and start learning.

* Training provided through Online Learning is cheaper, in fact its over 90% cheaper than instructor led courses.

* These websites are usually easy to use, all you need is an internet browser. The courses have bookmarks, help sections, tips and tricks and much more. Navigation is simple.

* The course material is usually highly relevant, information that is not required is usually abstracted. The content is clear and precise.

* You should use e-learning because theirs an old adage Knowledge is Power. The knowledge you have the more opportunities will come your way, beside that e-learning is fun and easy to use.

* E-learning is interactive by its nature, courses have simulations (graphical simulations of how to do things) and assessments.

* E-learning courses are usually assessment driven, provides a way of tracking your progress. If you notice your progress is not good you can go back and start that lesson again. Online Learning - Computer Training and Distance Learning Tutorials. - Web Directory

Nursing Shortage and Distance Education Nursing Programs

Distance education nursing programs could help alleviate the nursing shortage in the US. We are currently experiencing a critical nursing shortage that is stretching healthcare to its limits. You would think we could alleviate the shortage by training more nurses, but therein lies the problem. There are plenty of qualified applicants for the available spots in nursing schools. We simply don't have enough nursing educators to teach them.

Nursing is a scientifically rigorous discipline with the added requirement of hands-on technical skills. Nursing education has a classroom component and a clinical component. Distance learning nursing programs have been available for years, but providing the clinical component of the curriculum continues to be problematic.

The minimum degree for a nursing educator is a masters in nursing (MSN). Distance learning programs that prepare existing nurses to be nurse educators could be the solution to the nursing shortage.

There is currently little incentive for BSN prepared nurse to continue their education. Graduate education in nursing is expensive and rigorous. It is very difficult for a working nurse to find the time, energy and resources for school. And he has little reason to do so; BSN prepared nurses have most of the same opportunities as MSN prepared nurses, and make about the same amount of money. Education is one of the few areas that they can't find employment in, and most nursing educators make less money than BSN prepared hospital nurses.

There are two ways that distance education nursing programs can help.

RN to MSN Programs

RN's who do not have a BSN do have limited career opportunities. It is more difficult for them to advance into management and specialty areas, and this is an incentive for them to go back to school and get a degree. RN to BSN programs make it relatively easy for working nurses to get a degree. Many are available as distance learning programs, and they are configured for working adults.

RN's who apply for those programs could be encouraged to enter RN to MSN programs instead. RN to MSN programs already exist. We could use those programs to prepare more nursing educators by making it easier to complete them and by recruiting more nurses into them. When an RN expresses interest in an RN to BSN program, perhaps he could be offered entrance into an RN to MSN program instead.

BSN to PhD Programs

There isn't a lot of incentive for MSN prepared nurses to teach. Perhaps that means that we should recruit more nurses into doctoral programs. PhD prepared nursing educators do have more opportunities and make more money than MSN prepared educators. Perhaps we should recruit BSN prepared nurses into doctoral programs instead of trying to convince them to pursue a masters degree.

Preparing more nursing educators is the only answer to the nursing shortage, and distance education nursing programs for graduate study are a viable way to do that.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a Online High School Courses website where you can find the best online learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online math courses and more.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Distance Learning: A New Way to Get Your Degree

Do you long to go back to school, but live miles away from the nearest university? Are you a busy working professional with time constraints? Then using Distance Learning to earn your degree may be the answer!

Distance education used to mean getting courses via snail mail or on videotape. Well, today you are in the right place at the right time. Distance education is now online learning, and is a reality for anyone interested in continuing their education or stepping up their career. You can even earn a degree online.

What distance education now means is that you can access educational programs and not have to physically be in a classroom on a campus. Through such technologies as cable or satellite television, videotapes and audiotapes, fax, computer modem, computer conferencing, videoconferencing--all through the internet online--and other means of electronic delivery, the classroom comes to you-sometimes even if you're sitting in your room in your bunny slippers and it's 2 in the morning.

Distance learning expands the reach of the classroom by using various technologies to deliver university resources to off-campus sites, transmit college courses into the workplace, and enable you to view class lectures in the comfort of your home. Online learning is now a viable alternative to a traditional degree.

Where and How Can I Take Distance Learning Courses?

The technology for new, cheaper telecommunications technology is getting better all the time, and there is a growing demand for education by people who cannot afford either the time or money to be a full-time, on-campus student. To fill that demand, educational networks also are growing and changing how and when you can access college courses. Most states have established new distance learning and online learning systems to advance the delivery of instruction to schools, postsecondary institutions, and state government agencies.

Colleges and universities are collaborating with commercial telecommunication entities, including online information services, such as America Online and cable and telephone companies, to provide education to far-flung student constituencies. Professions such as law, medicine, and accounting, as well as knowledge-based industries, are utilizing telecommunications networks for the transmission of customized higher education programs to working professionals, technicians, and managers.

Ways in Which Distance Learning May Be Offered:

o Credit courses. In general, if these credit courses are completed successfully, they can be applied toward a degree.

o Noncredit courses and courses offered for professional certification. These programs can help you acquire specialized knowledge in a concentrated, time-efficient manner and stay on top of the latest developments in your field. They provide a flexible way for you to prepare for a new career or study for professional licensure and certification. Many of these university programs are created in cooperation with professional and trade associations so that courses are based on real-life workforce needs, and the practical skills learned are immediately applicable in the field.

The Way Distance Learning Works

Enrolling in a distance learning course may simply involve filling out a registration form, making sure that you have access to the equipment needed, and paying the tuition and fees by check, money order, or credit card. In these cases, your applications may be accepted without entrance examinations or proof of prior educational experience.

Other courses may involve educational prerequisites and access to equipment not found in all geographic locations. Some institutions offer detailed information about individual courses, such as a course outline, upon request. If you have access to the Internet and simply wish to review course descriptions, you may be able to peruse an institution's course catalogs electronically by accessing the institution's home page on the Web.

Time Requirements

Some courses allow you to enroll at your convenience and work at your own pace. Others closely adhere to a traditional classroom schedule. Specific policies and time limitations pertaining to withdrawals, refunds, transfers, and renewal periods can be found in the institutional catalog.

Classical Distance Education

You've heard of classical music, common movies, classical cities, nonetheless comprehend you heard of classical homeschooling? Yes, there is such a thing, and its entirely revered in this moment and age where additional moms are making the ruling to homeschool their youngsters. With congregation schools filling up, curtailed and lesser aimed and energetic teachers, and more kindergarten violence every moment, its not surprising that deeper youth are allocating their K-12th grade intellectual acquirements in their home.

You must initial apprehend what a classical course of study is in order to be acquainted with this method of homeschooling. The crucial theory behind classical intellectual acquirement is this: the instructing and schooling style must change with the cognitive growth of the youngster. The spokesmans of the classical strategy of schooling believe that one and only strategy of imparting cannot be noteworthy for a 5 hour old and also be employed on a teenager. As a result, there are three methods of schooling that are channeled throughout the youth's learning development: Trivium, Analytical, and Abstract.

Trivium is channeled during the grade junior high school years and is predominantly focused on specific thinking. During this time, the schoolteacher spotlights on getting the pupils to memorize specifics and factual information practically certain topics.

The Analytical course of action comes subsequent during middle school and builds upon those specifics and gets the school kids to apprehend the essential essentials and supports important thinking and depth bordering on the facts.

The final background, abstract, is used during the fancy kindergarten years and spurs the students to think out side of the box on the subject matters and be able to articulate their mind and feelings on the subject matters being learned.

Classical intellectual acquirement centers more heavily on history, art, the culture of Western Civilization, and the gain of a biblical world view with Theology being the specialist of the sciences. For that reason why this avenue of imparting is very celebrated with Christ followers looking to homeschool their little kids.

There are of all sorts of materials out there to aid you intellectual acquirement Tim and Lisa at home sweet home with the classical intellectual acquirement techniques! Have fun!

Carol is involved in Classical Education and Classical Home Schooling. She has written an eboook on Classical Home School Curriculum.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Online Pharmacy Degree - The Right Formula for Your Future

Getting an online pharmacy degree can put you in the ninth best job, according to Money and Salary Magazine. An expected 25% growth and demand for pharmacists is expected in the next 10 years. There are several distance learning, or online, pharmacy education programs available that you can take advantage of, regardless of your geographical location, or previous obligations.

A PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree is a 4-year professional degree. Prior to acceptance into a PharmD school, you are usually required to complete two years of pre-pharmacy classes. There are also transition programs that allow a pharmacist with an older BS in pharmacy to advance to a PharmD level.

The American Council on Pharmaceutical Education does the accreditation of colleges and universities that offer online pharmacy degree education programs. Make sure that the school you select carries this seal of approval.

The job market for a pharmacist is wide open. You can work in a clinical setting, pharmacy management, pharmaceutical sales, in a hospital or retail pharmacy, mail-in pharmacy or participate in research.

With a potential annual salary of $88,000, a career in pharmacy is definitely an area you should explore if you like science. You will need to complete your degree and internship, and then pass the state exam (NAPLEX) in order to obtain your license to practice as a pharmacist.

Family obligations or work related obligations do not need to prevent you from entering into this robust job market. Online college degree programs allow you to complete your course work at your own schedule in your own home. Internships can be arranged in your geographical location. There is no need to move across the country to obtain your degree.

An online college degree education website will provide you with the information you need to decide what school to attend. You can apply to the schools of your choice right at the online website. You can even find out about financial aid, and talk to a counselor if you need to.

Just click on the following link to get online college degree information It's fast, it's free, and you're under no obligation. You can get information about many types of online bachelors degree programs from many colleges. They also offer information about programs and schools that offer distance learning online masters degree programs

Genuine Schools Which Offer Online Or Distance Education

Though the internet is replete with lots of fake universities, if you exercise a little caution you’ll come across genuine schools which offer online or distance education. Caution is what many people have thrown into the wind and what they’re reaping is fake certificate from fake and unscrupulous school which offer online or distance education. You must be different.

Contrary to popular opinion, you can still get genuine online university distance education. Many people are running away from online education because of the many negative report they’ve come across in the dailies or on the web. The following is a non-exhaustive list of institutions where you can get quality online education.

The American InterContinental University

The American InterContinental University Online's programs allow people like you to earn their degrees while continuing to work full-time. This means you don’t have to leave your work before earning a degree from this unique university.

The University of Phoenix

The University of Phoenix is another world-renowned education online distance university where you can get online university distance education. As an accredited private university, the institution offers tremendous advantages of online education via the Internet.

The Art Institute Online

Another reputable institution is The Art Institute Online, a division of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The school offers professional certificate, associate and bachelor degree programs in graphic design, digital design, and interactive media design.

DeVry University Online

If you’re looking for an institution that is reputable for information technology, the DeVry University Online is your sure bet. It offers bachelor degrees in Information Technology, Technical Management, and Business Administration. The school has enough facility to take care of your needs.

Penn Foster Career School

If you want to earn an associate degree or diploma, online or by mail, the Penn Foster Career School should be your choice.

These schools are fully accredited by the relevant authorities. By being accredited, it means they conform to strict rules and regulation of the relevant bodies governing online education. The standards set by these organizations are not easy to attain. Employers believe that anybody having certificates from any of these schools has passed through high standard of education. Hence, accreditation must be your watch word when searching for schools which offer online or distance education. That must be the question any school offering online or distance education must answer.

Not all the schools which offer online or distance education are genuine. You must be careful. Many of them claim to give you free certificates for work not done, classes not attended, assignments not done and so on. This is not acceptable and will negatively affect your career in the long run. Hence, you must look before you leap.

You can conduct more research for reputable online institutions on the web. Make sure you use goggle, the world renowned search engine. It will give you a lot of result that will help you in your search for good and reliable online university distance education.

Ras Reed provides more detailed and free information on distance education on his website. Check it out at Online Distance Education Guide

Friday, November 2, 2007

Pros And Cons Of Getting Your Education Or Degree Online

As with anything, there are pros and cons to getting your education or degree online. Here are a few specific points to consider before making any final decisions:

Pros of Getting Your Education or Degree Online
There are many different perks associated with getting your education or degree online. One of the best is the flexibility. When you get your education or degree online you are not confined to finding a school in your area; you can choose any school that fits your academic expectations and career goals—be it a school in your state or a school in another country.

Another big advantage to an online education involves class schedules. Just about every distance learning program in existence allows you to take your classes and complete your coursework when it is convenient for you. This means that you can continue to work or care for your children, and fit classes in whenever you have a spare moment.

Many students also find that an online education can be obtained for a much lower cost than a traditional education. The reason for this is because it is often cheaper for institutions to administrate off-campus programs than on-campus programs.

Cons of Getting Your Education or Degree Online
While there are plenty of positive aspects to getting your education or degree online, there are a few drawbacks as well. Some students who choose the distance learning route find that they miss the face-to-face interactions that can only be obtained in a conventional classroom.

There can also be technical disadvantages to learning online. For example, students who are uncomfortable with computers can sometimes be easily discouraged when forced to use software that they are not familiar with. Although most online programs offer support in cases such as these, the initial learning curve can be frustrating.

We offer a list of Recommended Online Schools and Searchable Lists - We maintain a list of reputable companies to search that provide online education services.

What To Take Into Consideration When Selecting A College

Selecting a college has always been a very big decision for students evaluating their options. Today there are even more choices than ever and some dangers along the way. Not only are students faced with choices of the traditional classroom, but also the virtual campuses that have became a popular contender over the past several years. There are several factors involved in choosing the correct school and much of the decision is based on academic performance. For some lucky students that have achieved greatly the acceptance letters will be stacked up before they ever walk their high school graduation stage, but for the rest, they are faced with walking the tight rope of deciding which college.

College Entrance Testing

All colleges have guidelines for acceptance to the University and then many of the departments have other requirements. When applying to a university it is important to understand that most colleges require a college entrance examination such as the ACT or SAT with a passing score. Most require an essay detailing your goals and educational plans over the next couple of years. Considering the specific department that you are looking to enter into will determine the requirements of college entrance. Many departments such as the Nursing departments or Psychology department have strict guidelines requiring your entrance testing and previous GPA to tally to a certain level before you will be considered. That is the reason that it is highly important that you plan for the college entrance tests and study to prevent a declination letter. Choosing a college is not only about the entrance guidelines, but it can prevent you from entering if you have not scored well or performed poorly in high school.

Field of Knowledge

Having a basic idea of what career field that you want to study is another good way to determine which college is right for you. Not every college offers the type of degree that you may be looking for so it is important to research before applying. Most universities have websites that give a detailed list of degrees offered and the time line in which most students complete the program. If you are looking for a nursing program, you would want to make sure that the university that you are looking at offers a nursing program. Be careful with entering one college to get basics, believing that all the classes will transfer to the next university. In many cases, the credits will not transfer and then you are stuck with credits that are worthless.

Close to Home V.S. Distance

One of the biggest decisions for most students is whether to attend a local college or move away for a college education. Much of this decision is based on the financial resources that the student and/or parent have. Most parents advocate that their students remain close to home to defray living expenses. Other costs besides living arrangements that are sometimes pricey include out of state tuition. Another concern that students face when moving off to college is the lack of family support and contending with roommates in the dorm situation. College is stressful enough and can sometimes cause a lack of interest or study habits when faced with dorm mate problems. Of course, the cost of attendance is much less if the student remains in the parent's home. Most colleges require that if the student is not within living distance of the parents that they live on campus for the first two years of attendance. Again depending on the financial situation this can prove costly.

Traditional V.S. Distance Education

There are positives and negatives to both the traditional and distance education options of a college education. Over the past several years, a rise in popularity of virtual classrooms has surfaced. There are two negative issues that must be considered when looking at an online university. First, the student must make absolutely certain that the university is regionally accredited. Most of these online universities will boast their accreditation, but students must verify that the accreditation is by the regional educational board. One quick way to find out if they are legitimately accredited is to see if they can offer Federal Financial Aid, not only loans by private financing companies. Secondly, distance education is more costly than the traditional classroom setting. It is anywhere between $1500 and $2500 per five semester credit hours. Now that does not compare with the prestigious universities tuition rates, but neither does the diploma at the end of the college career.

Again, research and ensure that you are making an informed decision. Sometimes you can obtain information through the Internet or your local high school counseling office when deciding which university to attend. Another huge downfall that must be considered when looking at online universities is the fact that the student must exhibit excellent study habits and self-discipline. There are no set times for classes or professors to answer to if you over sleep. This can cause some students to fall behind and actually cause their college career to be much more difficult.

Choosing a college should be a decision that is not made overnight. There are many issues to consider and students should really think it through. After all this decision will affect the rest of your life and career. Attending a good and reputable college can mean getting a great job!

Gene Grzywacz is author of the Brute Force Study Guide. Other articles from Gene can be found on his website and include: Choosing an online college , Standardized Tests Taking & and other college tips

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Vocational Training - Practical Education For Career Advancement

The intention of vocational training is to equip students with all the pertinent practical knowledge and social skills necessary for them to take on a productive role in the economy, by training for a specific career or trade. Vocational training is considered a fundamental right and has been considered by the most important international legal instruments in the field of human rights. Vocational Training provides an instrument for the promotion of worker employability through the enhancement of human capital and for productivity improvement and competitiveness at the level of the firm or nation.

Vocational training is becoming so marginalized within the development sector that it is rarely talked about, and within international and government agencies the importance of these skills is just being rediscovered. Vocational training should include a wide range of activities, including types of training which would help fit a person for employment, including practical work experience, and vocational guidance. Vocational training can open up new prospects and provide the opportunity to escape unemployment, by offering a secure income and opportunities for advancement. Vocational training focuses on practical applications of skills, and is unconcerned with theory or traditional academic skills.

An advantage of graduates of vocational schools has over informally trained job seekers is that an independent organization certifies that vocational graduates have the skills needed to successfully perform a specific skilled occupation. Many large communities often have separate public schools that students attend full time that provide academic instruction and vocational training to their high school students. These schools commonly use the co-op training program, in which students work part time in the job for which they are preparing.

Traditionally, junior high schools and high schools have offered vocational courses such as home economics, wood and metal shop, and auto repair though schools have recently put more emphasis on academics for all students because of new standards based on education reform. Many schools have shifted the emphasis of their programs from the traditional trades to computers and related technologies, while other schools have moved away from vocational training entirely.

Technical and vocational institutions need to have competency to provide qualified training that satisfies both trainees and employers to contribute in developing the economy. Technical schools offer technology-oriented degree programs in a variety of fields including information technology, computer programming, networking, and much more. Technical institutes offer intensive technical training but teach less theory and general education than junior and community colleges.

Vocational training imparts specialized skills and knowledge while instilling social and political attitudes and behavior patterns essential for successful economic activities. Vocational training is can be a launch pad for a career that can lead to participants becoming masters in their field. Vocational training is a must and should be compulsory as it provides the learner with practical knowledge of the theoretical concepts learned in school. Vocational training should be considered as your stepping stone to success.

Aaron Prather owns and operates a website covering vocational training, distance learning, and online continual education.Vocational Training

Study for That MBA - With Online Distance Learning

Distance learning is not a new concept among various modes of study. Management colleges also realize the importance of these courses, and as a result most reputed management institutions now offer you this facility. In fact, there are many institutions that offer only distance-education courses.

Having said that, taking up a distance learning course and moreover, completing it is not so easy. In fact many students leave it half way and completely waste their money as well as precious time. So before taking up any distance MBA course, you should keep some things in mind.

The first thing that you need to do is check your preparation and dedication to this. Like whether you will be able to complete the course on your own. This is extremely difficult because you do not get a fixed routine like that of a campus program. Therefore, your dedication level will need to be extremely high.

The second thing that you need to look out for is the accreditation of the course that you opt for. This is absolutely necessary as your degree would be of no value if it does not have accreditation from a statutory body recognized by the state authorities. Also check whether the course has the same value as that of a regular campus course in terms of employment and future opportunities.

Another thing that you need to look for is the technology applied while teaching. An MBA course is quite rigorous and also a tough one. You will require a lot of academic help. So check whether the institution has the facility of an online instructor for 24 hours or not.

You should see whether the course has the provision of discussions between the instructor and the students. Many institutions also have forums where students from around the globe can contact each other and the alumni for academic help. These are a couple of things that help a student in the long run, so you need to look out for these facilities

Distance learning MBA programs are gaining popularity and as such, seats are few. So the next thing that you need to do is some proper research on the institution, fees, course structure and also the credibility of the course that you plan to take up. The best way to do it is to take the help of internet.

Finally, another important element that you should look for before taking up a distance learning course is Live Interactive Television. Through this, students and instructors can interact in live mode. It is just like a class, only on screen. The teacher here addresses a larger audience, and students can get immediate help with any problems they may be having. Having a choice of Live TV renders great academic help to the student, and should be an important factor while selecting a distance education course, especially one as tough as MBA.

Keith Evans owns and operates and Mba Online