Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Distance Learning Degree- Facts And Fallacies

Not long ago, anything but a degree earned through a traditional community college or state funded university was considered sub-par and scoffed at. Despite the fact that distance learning programs have been around for decades, there has always been a stigma attached to them. Only in the 1980s did distance learning become a more acceptable way of taking college coursework, but many times, such completion coursework was not accepted at other universities, nor recognized to meet basic course completed requirements. Today, however, distance learning degree programs are more the norm, and millions of people around the world take advantage of them every year.

Back in the 'old' days, distance learning degree offerings were limited to secretarial, medical support and technical subjects. Today, anyone can obtain not only an Associate or Bachelor's degree through distance learning courses, but their Master's degrees as well. Gone are the days when the online school degree was considered beneath the requirement levels of institutions around the country. These days, more nurses, business professionals and teachers are graduating from distance learning degree programs, thanks to their overwhelming popularity and the growth of the Internet Age.

The benefits of a distance learning degree seem obvious, such as not having to attend classrooms, studying on your own time, and taking as much time as you need with certain subjects and assignments. Distance learning is the only way to go for many people who are too busy with work and family responsibilities to be able to spend several hours a day or night in a classroom. Besides that, many course work requirements don't offer evening or weekend classes, which prevent many men and women in the workforce from attending even if they wanted to.

Some may believe that a distance learning degree isn't worth as much as a degree earned at a traditional brick and mortar college or university, but that's no longer true. As long as the distance or online school that you wish to attend is accredited by a viable educational program, then your degree is just as valuable as one obtained from the Dean of Notre Dame. Keep in mind however, that earning a distance learning degree may be more difficult for independent learners than for those students who attend classrooms every day. It is up to each independent learner to read and understand textbook assignments and study guide procedures to complete their class requirements. While teacher aid is available for most distance learning programs, you must be patient for your questions to be answered by email. If this is not a problem for you, then earning a distance learning degree is a prime opportunity that you should not pass up.

Distance or online colleges are adding to their programs every year, and subjects and coursework for a variety of degrees is available for the finding. Books and testing fees are usually included in your semester costs, and while you may pay a little more for the privilege of earning your college degree on your own time, the price more than makes up for earning power and sense of accomplishment for those who have taken the plunge and gone back to school. Distance learning programs offer students and adults who never would have otherwise had the opportunity to attend the college of their choice to earn the degree they've always wanted.

Find out more about earning your distance learning degree and get tips and more at www.DistanceLearningRevealed.com .

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