Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Beading Path to New Skills

How would you like to create beautiful, individual pieces of jewellery for a fraction of what they cost in the shops?

Learning a new craft will increase your confidence, as you see your skills develop. Whether you are doing it for a hobby or as a step towards a rewarding new career, beading and embossing will release your creativity.

A beading course is a great way to learn how to create wonderful, individual items of jewellery. How complex they are depends fully on your tastes and level of ambition.

Beading is usually used to produce jewellery. However, as you learn new techniques you can add decorative beads to cushions or cloth.

Beginners will most likely create small pieces of jewellery. While this is a relatively simple method of beading, you will still be able to create some beautiful items.

One of the most satisfying moments for people new to beading is seeing the reaction of a friend or relative when you give them a hand-made item of jewellery. This will show you it truly is the thought that counts.

An embossing course will show you how to create decorative paper or metal. This technique can also be used to add a wonderful 3D affect to pictures.

Embossing involves putting a combination of heat and pressure on paper or other material, so that a section is raised.

If you are new to embossing, you won't need any expensive or overly-technical equipment. Any resources you do need will be supplied if you take part in most embossing courses.

Embossing has been used since printing was first developed. Today, it is still a very popular method for adding a decorative finish to text and pictures.

If you want to learn a new art, or you plan on selling your creations, a distance-learning embossing course is a great place to start.

Distance learning allows you to develop your skills in your own time. If the pressures of work or family responsibilities have put you off going to college in the past, there is no reason why you shouldn't learn a new art with ICS.

ICS provides over 200 distance learning courses, from creative crafts to psychology. Whatever course you do, you will have the support of a personal tutor, who will be on-hand to answer any questions. For more information, go to ICS online.

Distance Education And E-Learning - Past, Present, And Future

Buzzwords in education have been in existence since the on-set of formal education as we know it today. Many of these terms come and go based on their usage and their context but some terminologies have withstood the test of time. Let us take a look at some of the common terms along with the chronology of how they evolved.

Although often used interchangeably, there is distinction between distance education and distance learning. Distance education takes place using print-based and electronic learning resources. Learners are connected to resources, instructors, and to other learners, and they tend to be separated by time and/or geographic/physical distance. Distance learning on the other hand is the actual system and the process, which connects a group of learners with the distributed learning resources. Learning takes place in various different forms but in general learners, instructors, and the necessary resources are separated by time and space.

Distance learning has over the years transitioned to online distance learning. It tends to utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools, and learning and communication methods. Synchronous learning uses electronically delivered teaching and learning with participants simultaneously and directly connected and communicating. On the other hand asynchronous learning is characterized by a time lag in communication.

A while back, along came e-learning! Electronic learning (e-learning) is defined as the delivery of instructional content using electronic means such as the Internet, intranets, audio and video equipment, web conferencing, virtual classrooms, CD-ROM, and more recently Web 2.0 tools. Simply put, e-learning is another mode of technology-aided teaching and learning. In the last few years, it has come to replace terms such as audio-visual learning, computer-based learning, web-based learning, online learning, and other buzz terms of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

E-learning is moving toward total automation of teaching and learning processes using software known as Learning Management Systems (LMS). To facilitate the development of courses that utilize Internet-based technologies, more and more colleges, universities, and businesses have embraced both open source and proprietary LMS tools. A growing trend in e-learning is the use of "hybrid" or "blended" or "multimodal" instructional approaches that replace or supplement partial in-class instruction with technologically enabled teaching and learning, which in many cases utilizes many tools bundled in the LMS.

Along the same lines many students engaged in e-learning may not be geographically distanced from the institution. For example, learners may be traditional learners living on campus or nearby yet taking course partially or fully online. This is often linked to the need for flexibility in personal (family) responsibilities and work schedules. Taking advantage of e-learning adds an extra layer of flexibility. In fact some people see distance learning as not being synonymous with e-learning, argue the point that distance learning is a generic term that presently happens to use the Internet as a vehicle. Thus, the position presented is that while distance education and e-learning do overlap, they are not identical but complementary.

E-learning is growing rapidly and is often associated with the Internet. There are however other modes of learning that are growing at a considerable rate too. Mobile learning (m-learning) for instance, is a rapidly growing innovation that has the advantage of allowing learners to be "on the move while learning. In other words, multi-tasking, for example jogging or listening to recorded lectures while driving to work. Therefore, m-learning is an extension of e-learning, which uses mobile (cell) phones, Personal digital assistants (PDA), and MP3 players (with iPods and podcasting being the mostly widely used). In places where bandwidth is limited m-learning is growing at a rapid rate.

As the technology gets more affordable and readily available, educational options will continue to expand. For those looking for flexibility due to family and work commitments, e-learning and m-learning may be an option to consider. For organizations and institutions looking to train employees without having to trade-off on productivity, time, cost, or hiring a consultant, this is also an option to consider.

Sophia P. is the editor of an information and resource guide e-learning. Resources include information on online distance learning, books, software, and tools.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Are You Interested Bible Studies Distance Learning Programs?

Distance learning programs offer convenience as a four year degree, masters or doctorate can be obtained, for the most part in the comfort of your own home. A college degree can afford you the academic foundation you may be looking for. But if you are looking to take your spirituality to the next level, a Bible Studies college degree may be just what fits the bill.

For such studies, there are many colleges to choose from with many offering free courses in theology to Apologetics. The difference between bible studies versus more traditional courses is that, in Bible studies, the ultimate gain is spiritual rather than monetary. Many colleges offer a free trial course where you can evaluate the school before signing your life away.

Much like choosing a traditional educational program the same agenda should hold true. Always check the credentials of the institution which you plan to apply to. There are so many schools, so make sure you are thorough in your checks before making your final selection.

Make sure the school is able to meet your personal needs. Only you know what you are looking for in the program of your choice. Some students like larger institutions for various reasons while others like a smaller college where one on one tutelage can be experienced. Making a mental note of your likes and dislikes will help pinpoint which program best meets your needs.

One of the most controversial issues surrounding distance learning is the lack of face to face interaction. If this is a concern of yours, seek out hybrid or blended programs where the convenience of online education and physical on-site interaction can be obtained.

Know how far you want to go. Some schools offer great undergraduate programs but may be lacking for post graduate degrees.

What about the social atmosphere and clubs and organizations you may miss out on? Personally, distance learning programs are best suited for non-traditional students. The best part of the college experience can not be replaced by online interaction. But for the mother juggling two children and a 9 to 5 it is a lifesaver.

How do you know if distance learning is for you?

• Have you been meaning to go back to school but you can’t find the time? It is easier to fit an online course into your schedule rather than trying to arrange your life around the more traditional learning programs.

• Are you limited in your college choices? Has the high cost of education left you with minimal options? Some students can not afford to pay the high costs associated with out of State tuition. Distance learning offers the same rate for all students who apply while simultaneously offering a wide range of academic programs perhaps not offered in one’s hometown.

• If you like to set your own pace. Many online programs give you the course materials and assignments ahead of time and if you choose, you can complete the necessary requirements ahead of schedule.

• The possibilities are endless with distance learning. Know your options and choose the program best suited for you needs.

Kelly Hunter is an a keen writer for about distance learning programs with several years experience.

Distance Learning Degree- Facts And Fallacies

Not long ago, anything but a degree earned through a traditional community college or state funded university was considered sub-par and scoffed at. Despite the fact that distance learning programs have been around for decades, there has always been a stigma attached to them. Only in the 1980s did distance learning become a more acceptable way of taking college coursework, but many times, such completion coursework was not accepted at other universities, nor recognized to meet basic course completed requirements. Today, however, distance learning degree programs are more the norm, and millions of people around the world take advantage of them every year.

Back in the 'old' days, distance learning degree offerings were limited to secretarial, medical support and technical subjects. Today, anyone can obtain not only an Associate or Bachelor's degree through distance learning courses, but their Master's degrees as well. Gone are the days when the online school degree was considered beneath the requirement levels of institutions around the country. These days, more nurses, business professionals and teachers are graduating from distance learning degree programs, thanks to their overwhelming popularity and the growth of the Internet Age.

The benefits of a distance learning degree seem obvious, such as not having to attend classrooms, studying on your own time, and taking as much time as you need with certain subjects and assignments. Distance learning is the only way to go for many people who are too busy with work and family responsibilities to be able to spend several hours a day or night in a classroom. Besides that, many course work requirements don't offer evening or weekend classes, which prevent many men and women in the workforce from attending even if they wanted to.

Some may believe that a distance learning degree isn't worth as much as a degree earned at a traditional brick and mortar college or university, but that's no longer true. As long as the distance or online school that you wish to attend is accredited by a viable educational program, then your degree is just as valuable as one obtained from the Dean of Notre Dame. Keep in mind however, that earning a distance learning degree may be more difficult for independent learners than for those students who attend classrooms every day. It is up to each independent learner to read and understand textbook assignments and study guide procedures to complete their class requirements. While teacher aid is available for most distance learning programs, you must be patient for your questions to be answered by email. If this is not a problem for you, then earning a distance learning degree is a prime opportunity that you should not pass up.

Distance or online colleges are adding to their programs every year, and subjects and coursework for a variety of degrees is available for the finding. Books and testing fees are usually included in your semester costs, and while you may pay a little more for the privilege of earning your college degree on your own time, the price more than makes up for earning power and sense of accomplishment for those who have taken the plunge and gone back to school. Distance learning programs offer students and adults who never would have otherwise had the opportunity to attend the college of their choice to earn the degree they've always wanted.

Find out more about earning your distance learning degree and get tips and more at .

Monday, October 29, 2007

Online Degrees Pros and Cons - What You Need To Know About Accreditation

Accreditation is the most important thing you need to know about distance learning or online degrees. Accreditation separates the “real” schools that are accepted by other schools, employers and professional associations. A diploma from a non-accredited school is probably a waste of your time and effort.

Unfortunately, there are schools advertising for online degrees that are considered “diploma mills”. These are for profit sites that may offer “fast” degrees that will not be recognized by potential employers as being an adequate education for the position you are seeking. There are also online programs that promote free credit for “life experience”. Again, these credits may not be recognized as legitimate.

There are many accrediting agencies. For instance the National League of Nursing accredits nursing schools. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accredits Teaching or education schools. Law schools are accredited by the American Bar Association. Other professions have their own accrediting bodies.

There are regionally accredited schools. The United States is divided into 6 regions that accredits colleges and universities: the Middle States Association, North Central Association, Northwest Association, New England Association, the Southern Association and the Western Association. Attending one regionally accredited school allows you to transfer credits from on university to another.

The Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), or The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) may accredit Online or distance learning colleges and university.

Become informed about the type of accreditation that is needed for the type of degree you are seeking. The Council for Higher Education can provide you with a list of recognized accrediting bodies. Then make sure that the school you are considering actually has that accreditation.

This is probably the single most important thing you can do when checking out an online college degree education program. You don’t want to be at the end of your academic career and find out that you have invested time and money into a degree that will not be valued by your employers, other school, or professional organizations.

You can start your search for school at an online website for online schools, but don’t let your search end there. Do your homework, make sure you are going to a college or university that is accredited!

Just click on the following link to get online college degree information. It's fast, it's free, and you're under no obligation. You can get information about many types of online bachelors degree programs from many colleges. They also offer information about programs and schools that offer distance learning online masters degree programs

Distance Learning MBA Programs - Closing the Gap

Thanks to the Internet, distance learning MBA programs have now become a mainstay of furthering an individual's education. Those looking to earn their Master's degree in a time and cost effective manner now have every opportunity to do so. With a curriculum that is every bit as solid as an onsite college, one can gain all the skills they need to push a career to unbelievable heights.

A Master's degree in Business Administration is easily one of the most sought after certifications for those in the business world. Many are daunted by the heavy price tag that can come with such an endeavor; but when considering the salary of those with this degree under their belt, it is easy to see an MBA is well worth the investment.

Deciding to pursue a Master's degree can be time consuming, especially for the busy working adult. That is why distance learning MBA programs make perfect sense. No matter where one is in the world, there is an opportunity to attend a top business college without the hassle of travel or relocation.

Earning this type of degree is often cost effective as well. With none of the added extras that come with attending an onsite campus, students can expect to pay only for the resources they use. Classes are often broken up into small units called modules that are easy to follow and self-explanatory.

At the same time, earning a Master's degree online still offers a good amount of cyber classroom instruction for students. Teachers and lecturers often use webcams, chat rooms, forum boards and even online interactive whiteboards to communicate classroom concepts over long distances. Students can stay in touch with their instructors via email, chat or even phone.

Those who obtain their Master's degree in Business Administration open up a world of opportunity for themselves. It has been found that there are simply more options for the individual with an MBA than those with extensive years of experience alone. Individuals already employed in the business world frequently see a number of doors on their career path swing wide open.

Distance learning MBA programs are also the preferred method of learning for a majority of companies that offer tuition reimbursement programs to employees. Not only is it cost effective; individuals can keep their regular schedules without missing too much in the way of valuable work time. This makes the MBA even more obtainable for even the busiest working adult.

No matter what the field, an MBA can prove quite advantageous. Those working in finance, marketing, non-profit organizations and even personal business can benefit greatly with this knowledge backing them all the way. The MBA can even be useful for those in government jobs as well.

Before doing anything, smart individuals will ask themselves what qualities make them a good candidate for an MBA program. The basic qualities of someone who might be good for an MBA program are that of honest people who enjoy working as a team as well as the many aspects of leadership.

When opting for this type of program, it is also important to check out a number of online MBA programs before applying to any one school. One should ensure that the Master's degree a student earns is fully recognized. Legitimate institutions should accredit an online course. Any offers for financial aid may be rescinded if a program cannot show it is accredited.

The career opportunities that can be achieved with distance learning MBA programs are nearly impossible to pass up. Never before has there been a time when earning a Master's degree could be so advantageous in both time spent and potential income earned.

Andy West is a writer for Grand Canyon University, which offers an accredited distance learning MBA program. Visit Grand Canyon University to learn more about online MBA programs.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Offshore E-Learning Solutions

Education is the root of growth of any economy; especially in developing countries like India still many people are uneducated and as a result remain unaware of the growth and opportunities around them. We find that education is costly and moving ahead for higher education is even costlier, so major portion of masses remain uneducated and lot many learners have to quit their education half way. With fast growth of Internet, technology and multimedia the world has come closer and provided us with numerous benefits over the older technologies and learning techniques, maintaining learner’s interest and providing extensible, rich learning experiences with integration of physically separated.

Learning has become easier; distance is no longer a barrier. Compared to classroom learning, online learning is cheaper, easily available and accessible with rich resources. Those who desire to learn but don’t have enough to spend, need not worry; many institutions are offering online education. Present survey shows that worldwide industry of e-learning is worth 38 billion euros. E-learning i.e. Electronics Learning is computer enhanced learning that helps you enhance quality of your education by providing more resources online and broadens your knowledge base. E-learning is basically focusing and targeting 5 major sectors - consulting, content, technologies, services and support sectors.

Why e-learning is most preferred choice these days for imparting knowledge, training or teaching in schools, universities, companies, industries, and enterprise or business groups?? E-learning market focuses on e-learning assets, e-learning objects, flexible e-learning content creation and platform integration services. E-learning has defined no technological boundary or platform for learning practices so this ultimately provides best knowledge management solutions for spreading knowledge. With technology arbitrating knowledge and learning, education industry is has seen a steep growth. E-learning solutions are web deployable-effective contents that provide flexibility in delivery, reporting and management. Example, 2006 survey figures that nearly 1000 million videos were downloaded everyday by Youtube visitors. Let us discuss types of e-learning:

Virtual classroom is a kind of distributed learning environment inculcating synchronous contents and experiences. Virtual learning model provides extensibility to structure and services of formal e-learning program to earn online distance education degree. Study material, tutorials are provided online, places for posting reviews, comments, ask questions are provided in this virtual paradigm. Virtual classroom is touching all vertical markets as they are easy to use and web deployable. You can deploy Learning Management System (LMS) easy for managing various contemporary units of this training methodology.

Online Learning is another e-learning paradigm that depends on the course structure and course material delivered on the internet (in pdf formats generally) for its learners via computer network technology through digital interface.

Rapid E-learning is used mainly for training/educating non-technical learners that uses captivating Adobe Learning tools or objects to entice learners by creating rich Flash learning content. This training variety targets subject matter experts (SMEs) and students by sharing e-learning content as a stand-alone multimedia portfolio element in a secure environment.

Mobile Learning is another e-learning paradigm based on the availability of portable digital devices and omnipresent network letting you share information and experiences when you are on move.

With flash and multimedia applications penetrating the websphere, dynamic websites have started replacing older static websites. E-learning has also provided productive insight for online learning by imparting knowledge in more simplified and interactive manner quickly and easily. Quality of education has also improved a lot and economy conditions of developing nations are improving. Percentage of online learners are rising day by day as many institutions are offering online learning courses at cheaper rate. E-learning helps you gain higher education from your desired place.

Distance learning has become more agile as different technologies are used with e-learning. Blended learning is gaining visibility as e-learning program offers distance learning and face-to-face learning. For higher education Virtual and Managed learning Environment are provided to manage all aspects of online course through a consistent user interface throughout the network. Many online institutions have started offering academic degree online, providing online support, and online study materials/tutorials, online text books to purchase, online registration, online examination, online forms, online counseling and also at times face-to-face learning.

E-learning provides the flexibility to learn from any place if you have internet access available, there is no time constraint on e-classes, learner can make asynchronous access and no commutation cost is incurred here. Initial development cost is high but it decrease exponentially with increase in number of learners. Major pitfall is that students do not get chance for face-to-face interaction; result is poor in case of collaborative work.

Many technologies are used in e-learning, these technologies are broadly divided into 2 groups: synchronous (exchange of information at the same point of time with other participants, e.g. online chat) and asynchronous (independent of participants at a particular time, e.g. blogs, forums).

E-learning services include CBL (Computer based Learning for learning using computer), CBT (Computer Based Training for training people to use computer applications), WBL (Web Based Training on internet using interactive methods like bulletin boards, videoconferencing).

In short, I would say that Internet is the best repository of online data, funneling its resources to different channels with e-learning extracting most of it and distributing it in more interactive and usable form promoting strong sense of social presence. Online Education, Online degree, virtual universities, traditional universities, are synonymous with e-learning.

Icreon, is an Offshore IT Outsourcing Company, SAP business channel partner that savvy your business needs by providing elite ERP business solutions.

For more information on online web based learning, click here. Rakhi, is SEO content writer at

The Benefits Of Online Education

The idea of online education was scoffed at not so many years ago. But these days both educational institutions and prospective students are taking online education seriously.

The first universities to offer accredited online degrees began appearing back in the 1990s. More often than not, these groundbreaking schools were looked down upon by the "academic elite," and considered to be somehow "shady" or disreputable. But a lot has certainly changed since then, and these days even the most prestigious Ivy League universities are offering online classes, and sometimes, a complete online curriculum for distance learning.

If you've wondered how online education works, or if it would be a good alternative for you, read on to get a sense of the online learning experience and what it means to be a "virtual student."

Obviously the biggest difference between online education and attending an actual university is that it is not necessary to be in any particular location to study. This means that much of the social aspect of going to college is removed from the online education experience. But depending on your point of view, this could actually be a very good thing. It makes it possible to bypass a lot of the peer pressure and "popularity contests" that many college cultures have become inundated with.

If you are an older student -- and by older, I mean over 24 -- you will probably find much of the petty jostling for popularity and status to be a real turnoff anyway. That's why online education can be a great option for returning students, or those who are a little more mature.

One of the biggest questions prospective students have about online education is how the virtual classroom actually works. While there are similarities between the virtual classrooms used in online education, and the brick and mortar classrooms of a traditional university, there are striking differences as well.

For example, if you attend a physical campus you will enter the classroom and attend a certain course at a certain time that will be designated to last between one and three hours on average. The instructor of the course will likely lecture for the majority of this time, but there may also be some student participation. At the end of the class the instructor may assign homework or inform students of upcoming quizzes.

But in a virtual classroom the structure is much more open, and there is a far greater degree of flexibility in the lesson plans. For example, normally you may log into your virtual class at any time, where you will listen, read and watch videos covering the course material. As a general rule, you may take as much time as you like to go over the material and complete any assignments given. While your course instructor will normally be available to ask questions via real-time online chat, e-mail or instant messaging, they will not monitor your progress or concern themselves with your work habits.

This means that with online education the student has far greater responsibility for their own learning. No one will babysit you, or ensure that you are doing the required work; it is simply presented to you, and you are expected to be responsible for completing assignments and reviewing the information.

This kind of freedom and flexibility fits many people perfectly, but others -- especially younger students -- may crave the structure of traditional campus learning. If your time is important to you, and you are motivated enough to be responsible for yourself, online education could be a perfect fit for you.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on long distance learning and accredited distance learning at

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Distance Education to Earn Your High School Diploma

If you are unable to complete high school for some reason but still wish to obtain a high school diploma, there are options available to you. One such option, of course, is a GED or general education diploma; however, this is not a suitable option for many people. This is because some people perceive that a GED is not as good as a high school diploma or is a second best choice.

Another option is to obtain a high school diploma through a distance education course. This option is typically available to individuals who are at least sixteen years of age and who were not able to or could not complete their high school education.

One of the best benefits of earning your high school diploma through a distance education course is that you can do it from the convenience of your own home, on your own terms. In addition, no one needs to know that you are completing your diploma through a distance education course unless you so choose.

This can be particularly important if you are a busy, working adult. In this situation, it can be difficult to take time away from your regular daily activities and attend classes every night. When you enroll in an distance high school diploma course, however, you can take advantage of the convenience of completing your course from home.

If you have always dreamed of completing your high school diploma but thought you would never be able to achieve that dream, you now have the opportunity to earn a coveted high school diploma.

Continental Academy provides the resources necessary to help individuals who want to realize their dream of earning a high school diploma do so in a convenient format. For more information on how you can begin earning your high school diploma, visit

A respected Miramar, Florida, distance education high school, Continental Academy holds students and student success as the absolute top priority. To learn about distance schooling to earn a high school diploma, please visit their website or call 1-800-285-3514.

Distance Education And E-Learning - Past, Present, And Future

Buzzwords in education have been in existence since the on-set of formal education as we know it today. Many of these terms come and go based on their usage and their context but some terminologies have withstood the test of time. Let us take a look at some of the common terms along with the chronology of how they evolved.

Although often used interchangeably, there is distinction between distance education and distance learning. Distance education takes place using print-based and electronic learning resources. Learners are connected to resources, instructors, and to other learners, and they tend to be separated by time and/or geographic/physical distance. Distance learning on the other hand is the actual system and the process, which connects a group of learners with the distributed learning resources. Learning takes place in various different forms but in general learners, instructors, and the necessary resources are separated by time and space.

Distance learning has over the years transitioned to online distance learning. It tends to utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools, and learning and communication methods. Synchronous learning uses electronically delivered teaching and learning with participants simultaneously and directly connected and communicating. On the other hand asynchronous learning is characterized by a time lag in communication.

A while back, along came e-learning! Electronic learning (e-learning) is defined as the delivery of instructional content using electronic means such as the Internet, intranets, audio and video equipment, web conferencing, virtual classrooms, CD-ROM, and more recently Web 2.0 tools. Simply put, e-learning is another mode of technology-aided teaching and learning. In the last few years, it has come to replace terms such as audio-visual learning, computer-based learning, web-based learning, online learning, and other buzz terms of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

E-learning is moving toward total automation of teaching and learning processes using software known as Learning Management Systems (LMS). To facilitate the development of courses that utilize Internet-based technologies, more and more colleges, universities, and businesses have embraced both open source and proprietary LMS tools. A growing trend in e-learning is the use of "hybrid" or "blended" or "multimodal" instructional approaches that replace or supplement partial in-class instruction with technologically enabled teaching and learning, which in many cases utilizes many tools bundled in the LMS.

Along the same lines many students engaged in e-learning may not be geographically distanced from the institution. For example, learners may be traditional learners living on campus or nearby yet taking course partially or fully online. This is often linked to the need for flexibility in personal (family) responsibilities and work schedules. Taking advantage of e-learning adds an extra layer of flexibility. In fact some people see distance learning as not being synonymous with e-learning, argue the point that distance learning is a generic term that presently happens to use the Internet as a vehicle. Thus, the position presented is that while distance education and e-learning do overlap, they are not identical but complementary.

E-learning is growing rapidly and is often associated with the Internet. There are however other modes of learning that are growing at a considerable rate too. Mobile learning (m-learning) for instance, is a rapidly growing innovation that has the advantage of allowing learners to be "on the move while learning. In other words, multi-tasking, for example jogging or listening to recorded lectures while driving to work. Therefore, m-learning is an extension of e-learning, which uses mobile (cell) phones, Personal digital assistants (PDA), and MP3 players (with iPods and podcasting being the mostly widely used). In places where bandwidth is limited m-learning is growing at a rapid rate.

As the technology gets more affordable and readily available, educational options will continue to expand. For those looking for flexibility due to family and work commitments, e-learning and m-learning may be an option to consider. For organizations and institutions looking to train employees without having to trade-off on productivity, time, cost, or hiring a consultant, this is also an option to consider.

Sophia P. is the editor of an information and resource guide e-learning. Resources include information on online distance learning, books, software, and tools.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

TeleClasses Provide Higher Education Via Teleconferencing

There are lots of good reasons to consider distance learning by teleclasses, also called teleconferencing or audio classes. Of course, the main reason is that you can attend class right in your own home or office, without commuting to a physical campus. That alone is reason enough for many people to consider taking a teleclass to gain higher education.

Unlike online schools which are available 24 hours a day over the Internet, teleclasses take place in real time, with instructors and students all interconnected via the telephone at a certain hour. There is usually an audio lecture given by the professor, with plenty of time for student questions and clarification. In many cases, students will download instructional materials from the school's website in preparation for the teleclass, and their completed exams may be uploaded the same way, but some teleschools do not require any computer interaction whatsoever.

Just imagine the convenience of studying at home simply by making a phone call! Teleclasses offer good, solid instruction in a concise time period, without all the associated hassles of a traditional college. Homework can be completed at the convenience of the student, according to his or her own personal schedule. Distance learning via teleconference is a tremendous advantage for working adults and other professionals who just can't conform to the constraints of typical college life.

So, how much does it cost to participate in one of the top teleclasses? Not as much as you would imagine because the overhead is low, and those savings are passed along to students. However, it might be a good idea to look into a good, phone carrier with inexpensive or unlimited long-distance rates, because you will be responsible for paying for the long-distance calls to the class.

Whether you are just starting your college education or you are a seasoned professional looking to brush up on your skills, teleclasses have a lot to offer. We urge you to contact schools today that offer teleconferencing and audio classes as part of their distance learning programs to see how teleclasses can fit your lifestyle.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.

Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. Find Teleclasses and Distance Learning via Teleconferencing, as well as Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Online Schools at, your resource for higher education.

Tips on Taking A Distance Learning MBA

Although the concept of distance learning is not a new one, many professionals who already have bachelor's degrees are taking advantage of off-site learning opportunities to attain a distance learning MBA.

Many accredited universities are beginning to offer distance learning MBA courses in an attempt to reach students who are not able to attend on campus classes for a wide variety of reasons. Many institutions that offer distance learning MBA courses are considered a distance learning college, but many traditional educational institutions are also offering distance learning courses that allow alumni to get a distance learning MBA from their alma matter. However, many times a degree from a distance learning college carries the same weight as a degree earned by students who had the opportunity to attain the same degree in a traditional classroom setting. In fact, some employers and industries actively recruit graduates from a distance learning college because of the ability and discipline it takes to graduate from a distance learning program, especially a distance learning MBA. Graduating by taking advantage of distance learning courses also shows a lot of determination and the drive to succeed, which are the kind of qualities many companies like to see in their new recruits.

However, because of many factors, there are many different distance learning formats you can take advantage of to get your distance learning MBA. Correspondence courses have always been very popular, but many distance learning colleges also offer e learning courses, which mean that it is a strictly online class. Many professionals with busy schedules prefer e learning courses because of the convenience and the ability to access class information from any location with an internet connection.

Other programs take advantage of a technology called Live Interactive Television. Live Interactive Television allows students to view a real time lesson by an instructor in a distant location. This technology makes it possible for students to ask questions and interact with instructors, which bridges the distance that separates them. Although this format takes some time to get used to, it can allow an instructor to reach a very large audience, as well as exposing students to instructors and guest speakers that they normally would not have access to. It also allows much of the structure that comes along with a traditional classroom.

Many distance learning MBA programs may televise the lectures so that students can watch or record lectures without physically being in class. In many ways, televised courses are better for many students than Live Interactive Television although they do not have the opportunity to ask the teacher questions.

Although many people settle for a bachelor's degree, getting an MBA can open a lot of career doors and provide better pay for nearly any job. For many people, a distance learning MBA is the only option that makes sense.

Nic Haffner helps his readers to learn more about online accredited degrees by providing them excellent online degree information.

Benefits in Using Online Computer Training and Distance Learning!

With the upsurge of the internet and the need for continuing education and training a niche arose in the market for institutions to deliver content and training over the internet. These organizations created online portals of information and courses covering topics such as IT, Personal Development, Human Resources and Business Skills.

These educational portals are central resources for the delivery of Online Computer Training and Business Skills training to the internet community, offering everything from reporting to assessments.

So why use Online Training:

* Online Training is convenient and flexible, you can take courses anytime, work, home etc. Online Training provides people with an outlet to enjoy a better work life balance, while still learning.

* Distance Learning provides people who are traveling a lot with information on demand, if they need to learn something new they can just login and start learning.

* Training provided through Online Learning is cheaper, in fact its over 90% cheaper than instructor led courses.

* These websites are usually easy to use, all you need is an internet browser. The courses have bookmarks, help sections, tips and tricks and much more. Navigation is simple.

* The course material is usually highly relevant, information that is not required is usually abstracted. The content is clear and precise.

* You should use e-learning because theirs an old adage Knowledge is Power. The knowledge you have the more opportunities will come your way, beside that e-learning is fun and easy to use.

* E-learning is interactive by its nature, courses have simulations (graphical simulations of how to do things) and assessments.

* E-learning courses are usually assessment driven, provides a way of tracking your progress. If you notice your progress is not good you can go back and start that lesson again. Online Learning - Computer Training and Distance Learning Tutorials. - Web Directory

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What Are The Educational Benefits Of A Distance Learning College?

Be honest. How many times have you said something like, "I don't have the time to go to school"? If you're like most working adults, or those with family responsibilities, that comment is awfully common, and rather sad, because no one should lack higher education because of time constraints.

That's one of the benefits of attending a distance learning college. Classes come to you, not the other way around. You determine the best time for your studies, whether it's after midnight or at four o'clock in the morning. The good news is that today, nearly 50 percent of higher education institutions around the country, and the world, offer some type of online learning opportunities, whether it's a few courses or an entire degree program.

Web based course work and degree opportunities offer students of all ages, backgrounds and financial situations to consider the education that used to be off limits to them for various reasons. No longer is time an issue when it comes to distance learning. Working online at home, work or in a library is now an option for those who must work and take care of families as well as other responsibilities on a daily basis. Even night and weekend school is not an option for some, as transportation and location in many areas is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

Learning online through a distance learning college offers the same quality and degree weight that would be received through a traditional educational campus. Distance learning schools must be accredited, so the school of your choice should offer potential students everything that a typical college campus does, including student services, financial offices, student support services as well as guidance and educational counselors. You won't be limited to attending a physical campus in your area, but can branch off into different states, or even countries, if you desire.

It is the responsibility of the online college student to follow study guidelines and coursework curriculum within the parameters offered by guidance counselors of any distance-learning program, and must also be able to work independently of others in this environment. For those tackling a distance learning degree, discipline is essential in order to complete coursework in a timely manner, as well as the ability to study and prepare for final examinations and complete testing requirements.

With a distance learning college, every student experiences a sense of equality with others enrolled in various courses and programs, and in a sense, everyone is in the same boat, starting and finishing with the same coursework and restrictions as everyone else. In some cases, this sense of equal footing acts to provide a sense of accomplishment to those who usually have trouble competing with others in a student environment. Instructors are accessible online via email, chat rooms and forum discussion boards, and offer student ample opportunities to communicate.

Distance learning colleges are offering a new way of learning for 21st century students, one that will continue to increase in both availability and quality as demands increase. Millions of students worldwide are taking advantage of this style of learning for various reasons, but no matter where they are, they are finally receiving the higher education they have always dreamed of. It's about time.

Looking for the right distance learning college for you? Find out more at

Online Degrees - Distance Learning Degree Programs Online

Distance learning programs are increasing; with most colleges and universities adapting plans to increase online courses and programs. Totally online universities are increasing their program menu, and traditional campus based colleges and universities are dedicating more funding to establish quality online degree programs.

Associates, bachelors, and masters online degree programs in business, science, fire science, engineering, nursing, healthcare, accounting, pharmacy, psychology, paralegal, or social work are available online.

Classes are either synchronized (all the students start the class at the same time), starting every 6 to 8 weeks, or asynchronous (students start a class anytime). Course work, assignments, e-mail, and streaming forums allow the students to work at their own pace. The students may have a time frame in which to complete the assignment or may take as much time as they need. Of course the goal is to complete the degree in a reasonable amount of time.

Online schools will provide the students with technological support, academic advisors, resource or library support, and financial aid advisors. The student has everything that a traditional based college has except the campus. This means no driving or gas expenses.

Class work can be completed at the student’s convenience, allowing the student to meet other work, family or military obligations. Many students have been able to complete a degree or advance a degree because of the online option.

Before selecting an online degree program it is important to know about accreditation for the school and the program the student is considering. The student should select the program that meets the accreditation requirements for the field or profession they are seeking. “Do the homework!”

Online college degree education programs have opened the doors for students who would not otherwise been able to obtain an education and have opened alternative options for all college and university students. More specific information about schools and programs can be found at the links below. Check it out!

Just click on the following link to get online college degree information. It's fast, it's free, and you're under no obligation. You can get information about many types of online bachelors degree programs from many colleges. They also offer information about programs and schools that offer distance learning online masters degree programs.

Distance Learning Teaching Jobs And Your Future

Through distance learning, teaching jobs may become a reality for you. In addition, distance learning is changing the teaching profession, and perhaps you could even become a distance-learning teacher.

Preparing for a Teaching Job Online

If you want to be a teacher, you need to get a teaching degree. You can either go to a brick-and-mortar college, or you can enter the virtual learning world and earn your degree through distance learning. Distance learning is being implemented in schools, colleges and other learning environments more all the time, and perhaps distance learning would prepare you better for the future of education than a traditional college would.

You need a teaching degree to enter the teaching profession, but you will need a masters degree to continue in it. Teachers are life-long learners, and you will want to take classes to keep up to date and improve you teaching skills as long as you have a teaching career. Distance learning, teaching jobs, and continuing your education go together because you can learn while you are involved in a teaching job.

Distance Learning and the Teaching Profession

Distance learning is changing the way teaching is done. Many schools are making online classes available to help homeschoolers and to help high school students meet graduation requirements.

Some teachers use distance learning to individualize instruction for children who have learning disabilities or other special needs. Children who have illnesses that keep them out of school can keep up with their classmates through distance learning.

Some schools are implementing distance learning as part of the normal school structure. Classroom instruction is only one part of the total learning plan for any given subject. Distance learning broadens the learning environment into the home, and parents have more opportunities to be involved, which improves the child's learning. The City of London, England, for example, has established the LGfL (London Grid for Learning), which links schools and children across the city to provide quality online education.

Distance Learning Teaching Jobs

As distance learning becomes more popular and more integrated into our culture, it is becoming a teaching specialty. Currently, schools usually have teachers prepare lessons for the classroom and for online or distance learning. Distance learning requires a different set of skills than classroom learning does, and lesson preparation for distance learning has to take that into account. Specialized educational training in the theory, principles and practice of distance learning may earn you a distance learning teaching job.

Distance learning may be the key to your teaching career.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a distance learning college degrees website where you can find the best online learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online learning education courses and more.

Interior Design Distance Education - A Great Way to Further Your Education

Are you creative? Do you have imagination? Are you artistic? Then you should consider one of the exciting and lucrative careers in Interior Design. Are you located many miles from an accredited interior design school? Then interior design distance education is a viable alternative. Many programs are offered online so that geographic location is no longer as important today as it was just a few years ago.

Many schools offer distance learning as another way to generate revenue. It is very important to research the institution to find out how the course is presented online. In addition, will you be properly prepared to enter the world of Interior Design? Interior design distance education is a great way for a working person to continue their education or realize a dream.

Interior designers need to be creative and they need to be disciplined, organized and have good social skills to deal with many different clients. Interior design distance education will teach the interior design student how to implement their creative ideas and how to be a successful businessperson. Interior Designers work involves both residential and commercial. If the student signs up for Interior Design distance education, they may find a specialty that they would eventually like to focus on. The opportunities are endless when it comes to areas of specialty. Designers may focus strictly on a specific industry such as the hospitality industry or perhaps the medical industry where the designer focuses on waiting rooms for Doctor’s offices.

The US Bureau of Labor statistics indicate that three out of ten Interior Designers are self-employed which is four times the proportion for all the professional and related occupations. Interior Design distance education is not for all design students. You must know yourself; can you work on your own without the structure of a classroom? If so then it could be a great way to further your education and allow you to find that dream job in the Interior Design field.

Thinking of a career in Interior Design? Use our site as a valuable reference point for Interior Design Education
by T.D. Houser

Classical Distance Education

You've heard of classical music, common movies, classical cities, nonetheless comprehend you heard of classical homeschooling? Yes, there is such a thing, and its entirely revered in this moment and age where additional moms are making the ruling to homeschool their youngsters. With congregation schools filling up, curtailed and lesser aimed and energetic teachers, and more kindergarten violence every moment, its not surprising that deeper youth are allocating their K-12th grade intellectual acquirements in their home.

You must initial apprehend what a classical course of study is in order to be acquainted with this method of homeschooling. The crucial theory behind classical intellectual acquirement is this: the instructing and schooling style must change with the cognitive growth of the youngster. The spokesmans of the classical strategy of schooling believe that one and only strategy of imparting cannot be noteworthy for a 5 hour old and also be employed on a teenager. As a result, there are three methods of schooling that are channeled throughout the youth's learning development: Trivium, Analytical, and Abstract.

Trivium is channeled during the grade junior high school years and is predominantly focused on specific thinking. During this time, the schoolteacher spotlights on getting the pupils to memorize specifics and factual information practically certain topics.

The Analytical course of action comes subsequent during middle school and builds upon those specifics and gets the school kids to apprehend the essential essentials and supports important thinking and depth bordering on the facts.

The final background, abstract, is used during the fancy kindergarten years and spurs the students to think out side of the box on the subject matters and be able to articulate their mind and feelings on the subject matters being learned.

Classical intellectual acquirement centers more heavily on history, art, the culture of Western Civilization, and the gain of a biblical world view with Theology being the specialist of the sciences. For that reason why this avenue of imparting is very celebrated with Christ followers looking to homeschool their little kids.

There are of all sorts of materials out there to aid you intellectual acquirement Tim and Lisa at home sweet home with the classical intellectual acquirement techniques! Have fun!

Carol is involved in Classical Education and Classical Home Schooling. She has written an eboook on Classical Home School Curriculum.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Nursing Shortage and Distance Education Nursing Programs

Distance education nursing programs could help alleviate the nursing shortage in the US. We are currently experiencing a critical nursing shortage that is stretching healthcare to its limits. You would think we could alleviate the shortage by training more nurses, but therein lies the problem. There are plenty of qualified applicants for the available spots in nursing schools. We simply don't have enough nursing educators to teach them.

Nursing is a scientifically rigorous discipline with the added requirement of hands-on technical skills. Nursing education has a classroom component and a clinical component. Distance learning nursing programs have been available for years, but providing the clinical component of the curriculum continues to be problematic.

The minimum degree for a nursing educator is a masters in nursing (MSN). Distance learning programs that prepare existing nurses to be nurse educators could be the solution to the nursing shortage.

There is currently little incentive for BSN prepared nurse to continue their education. Graduate education in nursing is expensive and rigorous. It is very difficult for a working nurse to find the time, energy and resources for school. And he has little reason to do so; BSN prepared nurses have most of the same opportunities as MSN prepared nurses, and make about the same amount of money. Education is one of the few areas that they can't find employment in, and most nursing educators make less money than BSN prepared hospital nurses.

There are two ways that distance education nursing programs can help.

RN to MSN Programs

RN's who do not have a BSN do have limited career opportunities. It is more difficult for them to advance into management and specialty areas, and this is an incentive for them to go back to school and get a degree. RN to BSN programs make it relatively easy for working nurses to get a degree. Many are available as distance learning programs, and they are configured for working adults.

RN's who apply for those programs could be encouraged to enter RN to MSN programs instead. RN to MSN programs already exist. We could use those programs to prepare more nursing educators by making it easier to complete them and by recruiting more nurses into them. When an RN expresses interest in an RN to BSN program, perhaps he could be offered entrance into an RN to MSN program instead.

BSN to PhD Programs

There isn't a lot of incentive for MSN prepared nurses to teach. Perhaps that means that we should recruit more nurses into doctoral programs. PhD prepared nursing educators do have more opportunities and make more money than MSN prepared educators. Perhaps we should recruit BSN prepared nurses into doctoral programs instead of trying to convince them to pursue a masters degree.

Preparing more nursing educators is the only answer to the nursing shortage, and distance education nursing programs for graduate study are a viable way to do that.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a Online High School Courses website where you can find the best online learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online math courses and more.

Distance Learning Costs

It doesn't mean that the moment you choose to home school your children, the scholastic cost you would have had with public schooling just magically goes away. In truth, this game plan has misled multitudes of parents into home course of study, without them understanding the fact that home schooling on its own is likewise a budgetary bank account. You may devote a lower amount of money than someone who sends his or her daughter to a private classroom; in any case you will absolutely give a lot of capitol towards supporting home schooling.

You most obviously will understand that you need to pay for consistent junior high school elements, which integrate textbooks, paper, pens, and the materials for science experiments. Beside from these, you would empathize with to obtain other belongings to define your home sweet home more favoring to intellectual acquirement in the home. This, perhaps, would make obligatory a higher find of payment. These extras may include a chalkboard, chalk, desks, desk lamps, and chairs. You may in addition be acquainted with to enrich the light and ventilation systems of your home to be sure that these do not detract the your child from learning.

Anyhow, one of the greater costs that home sweet home learning would give rise to is the advancement cost should a working mom select to stay at home sweet home full-time to administer her children's course of study. Depending on the amount of income lost, this resource could greatly affect your normal standard of living and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Its best that before even mentioning the idea of home schooling to your children, you would want to discuss with your spouse all of the budget issues. Sit down and take stock in what the pluses and minuses are and what your balance sheet would need to look like if you decided in favor of home schooling.

Carol knows Home Schooling Costs and the exact Cost of Home Schooling per child.

She has an ebook on Home Schooling Cost for parents.